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‎Between 1058 and 1086;

William VIII of Aquitaine was recorded as "Count of Poitiers"

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Reference Title Details Repository
Walweyn Monuments in Worcestershire Extracts relating to Walweyn family from "J. Amplett, 'A Survey of Worcestershire' (James Parker & Co, Oxford; 1896)"

Mathon Church:

“In the East end of the Chauncell, on the west wall, is in the myddest and worthyest place, Argent, 3 barres Gules between 8 scallopes Sables. On the dexter part of the wall the same armes impalinge Argent, a saltyre Sables ; Slaughter of Slaughter; but the saltyre should be Azure. The Creast, uppon a wreath Argent Gules a Faucon open. On the sinister Argent, a saltyre Sables. The creast, a demy eagle displayed Argent winged Azure out of a crown Or. The coullers of thease armes are heare and theare halfe and imperfect. Vnder thease a raysed monument of a gentellman and his wife with theire daughter, face to face, kneelinge and prayinge. Over theyre heades a bend and border ingrailed ermine, a hound passant with a mollet on the bend for difference. The creast a dragon uppon an imbattelled wall open and segreant with wreath mantlinge and doublinge all without coullers. The inscription, Hie jacet Jana uxor Johannes Walwein, gen. filia Paridis Slaughter, Arm., quae obiit 2 die Octobris An. Do. 1617. Vnderneathe in the middell pane Walwein's armes as above, without creast, impaling the saltyre quartered with a pyle. And on the ground ingrauen on a white stone, 1617, here lyeth the wyfe of John Wulwein, gent., who dyed the 2 of October, 1617. On the highest pane of the southe windowe of the chauncell, Gules, a fesse betweene 6 martlets Or, labell of three in cheyfe Asure. Beauchamp, Baron of Powyke. Lygon, a coheyre of the Lord Beauchamp of Powyke had landes in this paryshe.”

Malvern Church:

“On the east end of the Quyre is erected over Mr. Walwyn a monument raysed of[f the ground?] with this inscription about it. Here lyeth the body of Penelope, the wife of Robert Walweyn of Newland, Gentellman, the daughter of Richard Lygon of Madersfield, Esquire, the sonne of William Lygon, Esquire, sonne of Sir Richard Lygon, Knight, sonne of Thomas Lygon, Esquire, and Anne his wife, one of the daughters and coheires of the Lord Beauchamp. Her mother was Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Russell of Strensham, Knight. And at her feete above on the wall theise verses.

Hic pia Penelope Walwini conditus uxor, Jamdudum morbis languida docta mori. Docta mori, vitaeque breves transcendere metas ; Nunc Anima coelum possidet, ante fide.

Armes. On the right side of the Tombe is in the first pane:
    1. Gules, a cheueron Ermin betweene 3 escallopps Argent. In the second pane: 2. Gules, a fesse countercomponee Or and Azure, a cressant in cheife of the second ; Godherd, with a difference. In the third pane: 3. Argent, a cheueron betweene 3 crosses crusellee botonee fiche, Sables; Russell. (1) 4. Argent, a Lion rampant Sables crowned Or armed Gules betweene 5 or 6 billetts of the second; Planges. (2) 5. Gules, a salteire Argent within a bordure Sables replenished with Molletts Or; Hodington. (3) 6. Argent, 3 fishes najant Azure ; Cromeley. (4) 7. Or, twoe lyons passant Azure ; Somery. (5) 8. Gules, a lyon rampant Or ; Albany, Earle of Arundell. (6) 9. Or, a crosse ingrayled Gules ; Haute. 10. Azure, 3 garbs Or ; and (7) 11. Azure, a woolfe's head erased Argent ; Earles of Chester. (8) 12. Barry wavy of six Argent and Gules, on a bend Sables3 bezants ; Galafer. (9) 13. Argent, on a bend Gules 3 fermeauxes Or; Cassy. (10) 14. Argent, on a bend Azure 3 cinqfoiles Or ; Cookesey. (11) 15. Argent, on a bend engrayled cotised Sables three molletts of the field ; Thurgrim. (12) 16. Gules, a sword in fesse Argent, the handle Or, between a helmet of the second and two garbs of the third ; Cholmley. (13) On the left hand of the monument, in the first pane: 17. Gules, a fesse betweene 3 Dolphins Argent, Askham, it may bee. 18. Or, on a bend Gules 3 wheeles of the field; Rydall, I thinck. In the third pane: 19. Argent, Twoe lyons passant queue furchee Gules ; Lygon. (14) 20. Gules, a fesse Or and twoe molletts in cheife Argent ;Bracy. (15) 21. Deest. 22. Azure, a bend Or voyded Gules, three mollets of the second on the voyde ; Blanchminster. (16) 23. Argent, frettie Gules. [BSW: Supposedly John de Stavertone] 24. Or, a crosse Gules quarter pierced of the field. 25. Gules, three lyons passant Argent ; Giffard, com. Bucks. (17) 26. Gules, a fesse betweene six martletts Or ; Beauchamp, Baron of Powick. (18) 27. Party per pale Gules and Or, three roundles counterchaunged ; De Abetot. (19) 28. Argent, on a fesse Azure three flower de lizes Or ; Hulgrove. 29. Argent, a bend betwixt 6 martletts Gules ; Sir Gerard de Vseslete. (20) 30. Argent, a lyon rampant party per fesse Gules and Sables ;Lovetoft. (21) 31. Or, a frett Gules ; Verdon. (22) 32. Sables, a crosse within a bordure Or, pelletted ; Grevill. (23) 33. Or, a falcon open Vert betweene flower de lizes Sables. 34. Argent, a cheueron Azure betweene three garbs party per fesse Or and Vert.
At the head of the Tombe Gules, a bend within a bordure engrayled Ermin, a Talbot Or, on the bend a cressant on a mullett Sables, difference ; impaled with Argent, twoe lyons passant queue furchee Gules, and Written over, obijt 13 Jan., 1596. Walwyn impaling Lygon.” ------------- Rough notes as to how coats-of-arms fit into Penelope Lygon's ancestry (for more further information, please check Royal Ancestry tree):
    1. Mother 2. 6 x grgrandmother. Married John Russell 3. 5x grgrandmother. Married William Russell 4. 3x grgrandmother Agnes Hodington (Cromelyn / Cromwell) 5. Mother of Lucy Cromwell 6. Grandmother of Margaret Somery 7. As per below 8. Mother of Nicola of Albany 9. Gr-Grandmother of Agnes Hodington 10. Grandmother of Agnes Hodington 11. Mother of Agnes Cassy 12. Mother of Agnes Hodinton 13. Grandmother. Married Thomas Russel 14. Father 15. 4x grgrandmother 16. William de Blancminster (or de Champernown)’s daughter, Eve, married William de Bracy, 5x grgrandfather 17. 3x grgrandmother 18. 2x grgrandmother 19. C1040 ancestor of Beauchamp 20. Ufflete, Sir Gerard, married into Beauchamp 21. Ancestor of de Furnivals, ancestors of Ufflete 22. Verdun married into Arundel family which was Ufflete’s mother’s family 23. 1x grgrandmother

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