Emeline de Abetot 1) Daughter of Urse de Abetot, Viscount and Alice Unknown. Notes: The source for Emeline's name is no longer extant and therefore cannot be verified: Sir William Dugdale obtained her name from the second register of the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. That Urse was Walter's father-in-law is, however, evidenced. Child: |
1) Source: Norman Institutions "Notification to the bishop of Worcester and the sheriff and men of Worcestershire that Henry has confirmed to Walter de Beauchamp the land granted him by Adeliza, wife Urse of Abetot" No direct evidence for Emeline being William's father, only that she was Walter's husband.. Reference: 298. Charter dated 1123-1129, at Vaudreuil (Questionable reliability of evidence)2) Source: Norman Institutions "Notification to the bishop of Worcester and the sheriff and men of Worcestershire that Henry has confirmed to Walter de Beauchamp the land granted him by Adeliza, wife Urse of Abetot". Reference: 298. Charter dated 1123-1129, at Vaudreuil
3) Source: Beauchamp Cartulary Charters King Henry I grants land belonging to "Rogeri de Wygrecestra" to Walter de Beauchamp. Dated: 1114 Walter received Thomas of Worcester's lands following his falling out wiith the Crown. Thomas of Worcester being his wife's relative. Therefore the marriage must have occured before this charter.. Reference: Charter 4
4) Source: Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Ancient Deeds, Series D "Agreement between Sir William de Bello Campo, son of Walter de Bello Campo, sheriff of Worcester, and Sir Thomas the abbot, and the convent, of Evesham"Dated: Undated. External Link Reference: E 210/134 (Data from direct source)
5) Source: Regesta regum Anglo-Normannorum, 1066-1154 (2 volumes) "Henry I in favour of William de Beauchamp c1130-1133H. rex Anglie archiepiscopis, episcopis, etc. tocius Anglie, salutem. Sciatis me reddidisse et concessisse Willelmo filio Walteri de Bello Camp, dispensario meo, terram totam patris sui, de quocumque pater suus tenuit die qua fuit vivus et mortuus, et ministerium patris de dispensa mea, sicut pater suus melius habuit et tenuit in vita sua...". Reference: Volume 2, Page 374, CCLV [Calendar No. 1710] (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: Exchequer: Pipe Office: Pipe Rolls 1130 pipe roll. Includes at least three references to a living Walter de Beauchamp. Demonstrates alive in 1130.. External Link Reference: E 372/1 (Data from secondary evidence)
7) Source: Regesta regum Anglo-Normannorum, 1066-1154 (2 volumes) "Henry I in favour of William de Beauchamp c1130-1133H. rex Anglie archiepiscopis, episcopis, etc. tocius Anglie, salutem. Sciatis me reddidisse et concessisse Willelmo filio Walteri de Bello Camp, dispensario meo, terram totam patris sui, de quocumque pater suus tenuit die qua fuit vivus et mortuus, et ministerium patris de dispensa mea, sicut pater suus melius habuit et tenuit in vita sua..." Walter was deceased before 1133.. Reference: Volume 2, Page 374, CCLV [Calendar No. 1710] (Data from secondary evidence)
8) Source: Monasticon Anglicanum, a history of the abbies and other monasteries, hospitals, frieries and cathedral and collegiate churches... in England and Wales, also of all such Scotch, Irish and French monasteries... connected with religious houses in England "...Avicia domina de Salewarp, consensu et praecepto filii mei Willielmi de Bello Campo, antequam universae carnis viam ingrederetur... pro anima domini mei Willielmi de Bello Campo, et Willielmi filii mei..."Dated: Unclear. Probably during reign of Henry II based on sequencing.. External Link Reference: Volume the Sixth, page 1004, Cartulary of Westwood, Charter 2 (Data from secondary evidence)
9) Source: Annales Monastici Vol. IV, Annales de Oseneia, Chronicon Thomæ Wykes, Annales de Wigornia "Anno MCLXX... Willelmus de Bello Campo obiit, et ad ostium capituli Wigorniae sepelitur". Reference: 382 (Data from secondary evidence)