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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎1890 21 Grove Place, Clifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England;

Lucy Ann Downing was recorded as "Looking after the children of the rector"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


man William d'Aubigny, 1st Earl of Arundel‏‎ 1) 2)
Born ‎± 1109
Died ‎25 Sep 1176‎, approximately 67 years 1) 2)

Married ‎1138 2) (12 or 13 years married)

woman Adeliza of Louvain‏‎ 2)
Born ‎± 1103
Died ‎23 Apr 1151‎, approximately 48 years, ‎1st marriage to: William d'Aubigny, 1st Earl of Arundel, 2nd marriage to: Henry I of England, King of England, Duke of Normandy


woman Alice d'Aubigny‏
Died ‎11 Sep 1188
man William d'Aubigny, 2nd Earl of Arundel, Earl of Sussex‏ 2)
Born ‎before 1150
Died ‎24 Dec 1193‎, at least 43 years 2)


1) Source: Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houdene "In the same year [1176], William, earl of Arundel, departed this life, and was succeeded by his son William." (Data from direct source)
2) Source: English Baronies: a Study of Their Origin and Descent, 1086-1327. Reference: Arundel; pages 1-3 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
3) Source: The Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy: Volume IV "King Henry, having lost his wife and his son, resolved after consulting his council, to contract another marriage, and having selected Adelaide, the beautiful daughter of the duke of Louvain, the marriage was celebrated"