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King Henry I
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‎Between 13 Feb 1922 and 18 Feb 1935 173 Victoria Street, London, England;

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man Richard Surgent‏‎ 1) 2) 3)
Born ‎± 1679 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎ 4)
Baptised ‎25 Jun 1679 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 4)
Died ‎± Apr 1765 Priestacott, Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England Blacksmith‎, approximately 86 years 5) 2)
Buried ‎2 May 1765 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England Blacksmith 5)
Occupation: ‎between 6 Nov 1729 and 1765 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England; Blacksmith 3)
Will signed: ‎17 Jan 1766 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 2)

Notes: Dies in 1765, being called Richard Surgent the Elder in his will, proven in 1766. When his wife Ann dies, she is called the "wife of Richard" as opposed to widow.

Married ‎7 Jun 1708 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 6) (55 years married)

woman Ann Trick‏‎ 1)
Born ‎± 1685 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎ 7)
Baptised ‎16 Jul 1685 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 7)
Died ‎Feb 1764 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England Wife of Richard‎, approximately 79 years 8)
Buried ‎20 Feb 1764 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 8)

Notes: There are two possible baptism records for Ann Trick: daughter of William and Margaret, baptised 1671, and daughter of Robert and Joan, baptised 1685. Given Ann was having children until 1725, a 1671 would make her 54 when her last child was born, whereas a 1685 baptism would make her 40. On that basis, the 1685 baptism has been selected.


woman Ann Surgent‏‎
Born ‎1711 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎
woman Elizabeth Surgent‏‎
Born ‎1714 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎
man John Surgent‏‎
Born ‎1719 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎
woman Mary Surgent‏‎
Born ‎1725 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎
woman Joan Surgent‏‎
Born ‎between 1715 and 1725 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎
man Richard Surgent‏ 9)
Born ‎± 1708/09 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England Richard son of Richard & Ann Sargent.1)
Baptised ‎10 Feb 1708/09 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England Richard son of Richard & Ann Sargent. 1)
Died ‎May 1797 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎, approximately 89 years 10)
Buried ‎24 May 1797 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 10)
Occupation: ‎between 1737 and 1756 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England; Blacksmith 9)

Notes: According to a record of indenture dated 3rd January 1756, Richard Surgent, blacksmith, had, for one year, hired a blacksmith named "William Shepherd". He is named as a blacksmith on most of his children's baptism records, and is called Richard Surgent Junior on the birth of his son John in 1753 - which suggests his father was still alive in 1753. Richard was still alive in 1765 when his father made a bequest to him in his will.


1) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1708: "Richard son of RIchard and Ann Sargent 10 Feb". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from direct source)
2) Source: Archdeaconry of Cornwall, Probate Court Will of Richard Surgent, the elder, blacksmith of Kilkhampton, dated 1765, proved 17 January 1766. Makes bequests to Ann Hame, Elizebeth Addames, Joahn Jent & Mary Palmer (daus); John & Richard Surgent (sons); John Surgent & George Walkey (grandsons). External Link
https://www.cornwall-opc-database.org/search-database/more-info/?t=wills&id=2761. Reference: AP/S/3406 (Data from direct source)
3) Source: Dayman of Ashley Court, Tiverton Kilkhampton, CornwallCounterpart lease in reversion:(1) Abraham Barnfield of East Putford, esq., and John Phillippps of Poughill, Cornwall, esq.(2) Sosthenes Sharsell of Moorwinstow, carpenterTwo tenth parts of a tenement with appurtenances in the borough of Kilkhampton, in East Street now in the possession of (2)Term: 99 years or the lives of Richard Sargent, son of Richard Sargent of Kilkhampton, blacksmith and John Sharsell, son of (2) aged 4, to commence after the death of Mary Petherick, widowRent: 2s. 7dHeriot: 8s or a fifth part of the best beastSuit of court of the manor of StanburyConsideration: £12Date: 6 November 1729. Reference: Z16/2/3/8 (Data from direct source)
4) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1679: "Rich: son of Rich Sargeant e Mary June 25". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from secondary evidence)
5) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1765: "Richard Surgent Senr of Priestcott blacksmith May 2". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 Rich Surgent e Anne Trick June 7th 1708. Reference: Kilkhampton
7) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1685: "Ann the daughter of Robert e Joan Trick: July the 16th". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from secondary evidence)
8) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1764: "Anne the wife of Richard Surgent Feb 20th". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from direct source)
9) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 Anne daughter of Richard Surgent (Blacksmith) & Elizabeth his wife Apr 27th 1748. Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from direct source)
10) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1797: "Rd Serjeant May 24". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from direct source)