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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎Between 840 and 877;

Charles II 'the Bald' of France was recorded as "King of the Western Franks"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


man Albert III of Namur, Count of Namur‏‎ 1)
Born ‎± 1027
Died ‎22 Jun 1102‎, approximately 75 years

Notes: "Albertus autem de Namurco genuit Godefridum et Henricum comitem de Rupe, patrem Mathildis quae genuit Iacobum Avesnensem." (Genealogia comitum Bulonensium)

Married ‎± 1067 (approximately 35 years married)

woman Ida of Saxony‏‎
Died ‎after 1117


man Godfrey of Namur, Count of Namur‏ 1)
Born ‎± 1069
Died ‎19 Aug 1139‎, approximately 70 years

Notes: "Godefridus autem frater eius Henricum comitem Namurcensem, qui caruit liberis et sororem eius Alithiam, quae nupta Hainoensi comiti Balduino, genuit Balduinium, qui duxit Margaretam filiam Theoderici Flandrensis comitis, et genuit filium equivocum sibi." (Genealogia comitum Bulonensium)

From the above it could be interpreted that Adele (Alithiam) is a sister, as oppsoed to daughter of Godfrey?
woman Adelaide of Namur‏
Born ‎± 1069
Died ‎± 1124‎, approximately 55 years


1) Source: Genealogia comitum Bulonensium A short genealogy connecting the early Merovingians to the later counts of Boulogne, written circa the 11th century. The earliest generations are almost certainly fictional. Considered a reliable secondary source for generations from Arnulf of Metz onwards. Considered a "primary" source for events from the year 1000 onwards.. External Link
https://www.dmgh.de/mgh_ss_9/index.htm#page/300/ (Data from direct source)