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King Edward I
King Henry I
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between 933 and 962;

Arnulf I of Flanders was recorded as "Count of Boulogne and Ternois"

Latest update2024-06-18 14:59
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4663


Title: Special Collections: Papal Bulls
Publication: Name: The National Archives; Location: Kew, Surrey; Date: 1131 - 1533;
Author: Records of various departments, arranged artificia
Archive SC 7
An artificial collection created in the mid-1880s of papal documents, brought together from a variety of archival sources among the public records.An artificial collection created in the mid-1880s of papal documents, brought together from a variety of archival sources among the public records.An artificial collection created in the mid-1880s of papal documents, brought together from a variety of archival sources among the public records.


Title: The National Archives
Source for marriage: Ferdinand III of Castile, King of Léon, Galicia, Castile and Toledo, page: SC 7/21/32
Source for marriage: Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford, 3rd Earl of Essex, page: SC 7/7/1