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King Edward I
King Henry I
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1841 Sherborne Lane, Lyme Regis, Dorset, England;

William Saunders was recorded as "Fisherman"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


Title: Archdeaconry of Cornwall, Probate Court
Publication: Name: Cornwall Record Office; Location: Truro, Cornwall, England; Date: 1690-1858;
Author: Church of England, Exeter Diocese, Archdeaconry of
Archive AP
Wills proved by witnesses, 1690-1730, and register copy wills, 1714-1858.Wills proved by witnesses, 1690-1730, and register copy wills, 1714-1858.Wills proved by witnesses, 1690-1730, and register copy wills, 1714-1858.


Title: Cornwall Record Office
Source for death: Nicholas Sherme, page: AP/S/561
Source for death: John Barrett, page: AP/B/4634
Source for death: Richard Surgent, page: AP/S/3406
Source for: Richard Hopgood, page: A Bond on the administration of the goods of Richard Hopgood. AP/H/4836
Source for: Richard Surgent, page: AP/S/3406
Source for: Thomas Hopgood, page: Record for Thomas Hopgood, 1730
Source for: Thomas Hopgood Blacksmith, page: Record for Thomas Hopgood, 1730
Source for: John Sherme, page: AP/S/4
Source for: John Barrett Yeoman, page: AP/B/4634
Source for name: Thomas Hopgood, page: Record for Thomas Hopgood, 1730
Source for name: Unknown Sherme, page: AP/S/561
Source for name: Nicholas Sherme, page: AP/S/561
Source for name: Richard Surgent, page: AP/S/3406
Source for name: John Sherme, page: AP/S/4