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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎1871 East Farleigh, Kent, England;

William Coppen was recorded as "Wheelwright"

Latest update2024-06-18 14:59
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4663


woman Gunnor Unknown‏‎ 1)
Died ‎after 1082 1)

Notes: Gunnor's identity is confirmed by a charter, dated 1082, where grants to the Abbey of Holy Trinity, in Caen, were confirmed on behalf of Queen Matilda (wife of William the Conqueror):

"Gunnor, the mother of William de Briouze and a nun of the abbey, gave what she held at Bavent, with the agreement of Hugh pincerna and Roger de Quilly; she also gave the lands she held at Rouvres, Cesny-aux-Vignes, Croissanville and Quatre-Puits, with the agreement of Maurice and his wife Albereda, of whose fief they were held." Other charters suggest connections between the de Braose and de Ivrea families.

Married/ Related

man Unknown‏‎


man William de Braose, 1st Lord of Bramber‏ 2)
Died ‎between 1093 and 1096 William's last charter is in 1093, and his son Philip issues a charter as Lord of Bramber in 1096.

Notes: William de Braose held significant lands in Sussex, as tenant-in-chief, per the Domesday Book - granted to him by William the Conqueror - who he had fought alongside at the Battle of Hastings.


1) Source: Regesta regum anglo-normannorum, The acta of William I (1066-1087) "Gunnor, the mother of William de Briouze and a nun of the abbey, gave what she held at Bavent, with the agreement of Hugh pincerna and Roger de Quilly; she also gave the lands she held at Rouvres, Cesny-aux-Vignes, Croissanville and Quatre-Puits, with the agreement of Maurice and his wife Albereda, of whose fief they were held". Dated: 1282. Reference: Number 59 (Data from secondary evidence)
2) Source: Regesta regum Anglo-Normannorum, 1066-1154 (2 volumes) "Notification that William de Braose gave to St. Nicholas of Bramber six hides of land... The gift was confirmed by his son Philip". Dated: 1073. Reference: Number 71 (Data from direct source)