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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎19 Jul 1854;

Albert Lee Overbury was recorded as "Received commision as Mate on HMS Amphitrite"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


woman Eleanor Pearce‏‎
Died ‎Feb 1629 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 1)
Buried ‎5 Feb 1629 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 1)

Married ‎4 Feb 1610/11 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 2) (approximately 19 years married)

man William Greenwaye‏‎
Born ‎± 1586 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎ 3)
Baptised ‎13 Aug 1586 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England 3)

Notes: This William is referred to as William the Younger in a baptism record for Abel Greenwaye in 1612. This seems to be in reference to his uncle, William, still alive at that time until 1628. It is improbable it would be in reference to his grandfather who would be nearly 90 (and who would need to be buried in 1628, if alive in 1612).

William's burial could either be the 1628 burial, or 1673, 1681, or 1687. While the latter seem less likely, purely based on his age at death, all are reasonable possibilities.

See record for William Greenwaye, this William's son, for details on why he has been selected as William's father.


man William Greenwaye‏ 4)
Died ‎between 1681 and 1687 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England

Notes: William is described as William Greenway Junior in a 1644 baptism record for his daughter Grace. William is buried in either 1681 or 1687 - there is nothing to distinguish between either record.

There is a 1586 baptism record for a William Greenway, son of Jeremy Greenway. That seems unlikely to be this Wiliam, as it would entail him first marrying at the age of 51 (or older). Also, this William is described as William Junior.
man Abel Greenwaye‏‎
Born ‎1612 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎
man Julian Greenwaye‏‎
Born ‎1615 Kilkhampton, Cornwall, England‎


1) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1629: "Elnor Greenwaye 5 Febr". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from direct source)
2) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1610: "William Greenway e Elnor Pearce 4th February". Reference: Kilkhampton
3) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1586 August: "Willme filius Ieromi Greneway bapt fuit die xiii". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from secondary evidence)
4) Source: Cornwall, England, Parish Registers, 1538-1900 1638: "Elizabeth ye daughter of Wilius Greenway and Grace his wife 22 July". Reference: Kilkhampton (Data from direct source)