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‎Between 1529 and 1559;

Roger Cholmeley was recorded as "Elected 4 times as MP for London and 4 times as MP for Middlesex"

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man Thomas Wayt‏‎ 1) 2) 3)
Born ‎Jan 1650/51 Swindon, Wiltshire, England‎ 4)
Baptised ‎29 Jan 1650/51 Swindon, Wiltshire, England 4)
Died ‎Jan 1721 Eastcourt, Swindon, Wiltshire, England‎, approximately 71 years 5)
Buried ‎28 Jan 1721 Swindon, Wiltshire, England 1) 5)
Residences: ‎1697 Swindon, Wiltshire, England 3), ‎8 Oct 1673 Swindon, Wiltshire, England 6), ‎1705 Swindon, Wiltshire, England 7)

Will signed: ‎1736 Swindon, Wiltshire, England 1)

Notes: Thomas's identification as the father of Thomas is supported by:
The will of Thomas Wayt written in 1721 mentions a son Thomas Wayt Jr who has no living children at that point. It also bequeaths money to his future heirs should they reach the age of 5. The Thomas Wayt Jr who married Ann had no living children in 1721. His first two children, Thomas Kemble and Ann, had died respectively in 1718 and 1719 and his wife was pregnant in 1721 with Mary.
William Buy is mentioned as executor and administrator in the Articles of Marriage (1752) for Mary Wayt and George White which strongly suggests a relationship between the two. Given Mary had no surviving siblings, William was the next closest living relative (uncle).
Thomas Wayt Jr is mentioned as "Gentleman" in all surviving documents. The only other Wayt family members listed as "Gent" are Thomas Wayt and his son Richard Wayt whereas the other branches of the Wayt family are referred to as "Yeoman".
Richard Baker's (father-in-law of Thomas) will aligns with the proposed reconstruction
Lands held by Richard Baker (1461/1736) - Culvering Hayes and Down Hicks Hayes amongst others - is subsequently assigned by Thomas Wayt to his brother Richard Wayt as part of his marriage settlement (1461/1750).

Relatives mentioned in 1736 will include:
* Sister Grace Smith
* Sister Deborah Chandler
* Kinsman Nicholas Wayt
* Son Thomas Wayt
* Daughter Mary Keen
* Grandchildren Silvester and Margaret Keen
* Grandson Thomas Vilett Wayt, son of my son Richard Wayt
* Grandaughters Ann and Mary Wayt, daughters of Richard Wayt
* Loving wife Mary
* Daughter Sarah, wife of Philip Cooke
* My said wife's late mother

Married ‎19 Jun 1679 Stratton St Margaret, Wiltshire, England 8) (41 years married)

woman Mary Baker‏‎ 9) 8)
Born ‎16 Feb 1657/58 Stratton St Margaret, Wiltshire, England‎ 9) 10)
Died ‎22 Jul 1724 Swindon, Wiltshire, England‎, approximately 67 years 9)

Notes: Land in Stratton St Margaret was held by both Thomas's son, Thomas, and granddaughter, Mary. Therefore given the date and the names of the participants, it seems extremely likely that Thomas married Mary Baker in Stratton St Margaret.


woman Mary Wayt‏‎

Notes: Wife of John Keen.
woman Sarah Wayt‏‎

Notes: Wife of Phillipp Cooke.
man Richard Wayt‏
Born ‎± 1681‎

Notes: Married Anne Vilett. Has a son, Thomas Wayte, apprenticed to William Alexander, master Co Tallow Chandler in Swindon, 1736.
man Thomas Wayt‏ 11) 12) 13)
Born ‎± 1688‎ 13)
Died ‎6 Mar 1753 Swindon, Wiltshire, England‎, approximately 65 years 14) 15) 16) 13)
Buried ‎10 Mar 1753 Holy Rood Church, Swindon, Wiltshire, England 16)
Occupation: ‎1 Dec 1719 Eastcott, Swindon, Wiltshire, England; Yeoman 17)

Notes: "George White of Tetbury in the County of gloucester Mercer (Devisee of the last Will and Testament of John Weake late of Newnton in the County of Wilts Gentleman his Great Uncle deceased) and Mary his now Wife who was the only Child of Thomas Wayt late of Swindon in the said County of Wilts Gentleman also deceased of the first part"

From indenture between George White of the first part, John Harris and Joseph Butler of the second part, John White ("brother of the said George") and William Buy of the third part, dated 1757.

From the Swindon Parish records, it is known that there were multiple Thomas Wayts alive towards the start of the 17th century but only one has recorded children in the early 1720s. Thomas Wayt, married to Ann who had four children:- Thomas Kemble (1718-1718), Anne (1719-1719), Mary (1722- ), Sarah (1726-1730).

Ann's name is obtained from the burial record for his daughter Ann and Thomas's burial record. Given that three of Thomas's four childrens passed away as infants, it would seem to align with the statement in the indenture if Mary's father was the Thomas Wayt who married Ann.


The purpose of the indenture was the "Performance of certain articles of agreement made on the contract of marriage" betwen George White and Mary Wayt, agreed by Thomas Wayt. The articles of marriage are dated 19 May 1752 and Thomas was alive then. He was deceased when the indenture was written (1727). This therefore suggests Thomas's decease in between the two agreements.

The agreement also states that after the decease of the survivor of George and Mary, John White and William Buy would become executors and administrators of their remainder. William Buy was married to Anne Wayt daughter of Richard Wayt and Anne Vilett of Swindon.


1) Source: Probate Records of the Archdeaconry of Wiltshire Will of Thomas Wayt gentleman of Swindon: written 1721 proven 12 July 1736. Mentions: Sister Grace Smith, Sister Deborah Chandlar, Kinsman Nicholas Wayt, Son Thomas Wayt who has no children that have survived to age 5, Daughter Mary Keen wife of John Keen, Mary's children Silvester and Margaret Keen, Son Richard Wayt. Richard's children Thomas Vilett, Anne, Mary, Daughter Sarah wife of Phillipp Cooke, Friend Richard Goddard brother of Pleydell Goddard, Poor of Swindon and Cricklade St Sampsons. Reference: P3/W/810 (Data from secondary evidence)
2) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "Thomas Wayte ye youngr". External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61187&h=1857024&indiv=try. Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Parish Registers; Reference Number: 1357/3 (Data from direct source)
3) Source: Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Society (as collector) From Swindon census - Thomas Waite, 1697. Tho £50 p.a., wife Mary, sons Rich, Tho, daus Mary, Sibill, Sarah, Ann.. Reference: WRO/212B/7202A (Data from direct source)
4) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "January 1650...Thomas son of Nicholas Waitt ye 29". External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61187&h=3203912&indiv=try. Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centry; Chippenham, Wiltshire; Wiltshire Church of England Bishop's Transcripts; Reference Number: BT/Swin/Bdl. 1 (Data from secondary evidence)
5) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "Mr: Thomas Wayt Snr of Eastcourt was buried January the twenty eighth". External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61187&h=699035&indiv=try. Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Parish Registers; Reference Number: 1357/2 (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: Goddard of Swindon "Notes Nicholas and his son Thomas. From list of inhabitants of the Manor and Parish of Swindon." Dated: 8 Oct 1673.. Reference: WRO/1461 (Data from secondary evidence)
7) Source: Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Society (as collector) From 1705 Swindon census. Tho £50 p anum, wife Mary.. Reference: WRO/212B/7202A (Data from secondary evidence)
8) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "Thomas Weight married Mary Baker at Stratton St Margaret, by banns, 19 June 1679". External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61187&h=3022335&indiv=try. Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centry; Chippenham, Wiltshire; Wiltshire Church of England Bishop's Transcripts; Reference Number: BT/Stra/Bdl. 1
9) Source: Monuments Near this place lieth the Body of Mary the Wife of Mr Thomas Wayt who died July 22 1744. Aged 67 years. Reference: Holy Rood Church, Swindon (Data from secondary evidence)
10) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "Mary Baker the daughter of Richard Baker was borne the 16th of Februrary 57". External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61187&h=2340207&indiv=try. Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Parish Registers; Reference Number: 819/2 (Data from direct source)
11) Source: Deeds, estate, family and official papers of the Sotheron-Estcourt family of Shipton Moyne "The Newnton Estate" including Newnton House "lately" built, 1812, messuage formerly occupied by Giles Estcourt, and land (c.330a., field-names) formerly belonging to Edm. Estcourt, with deed of exchange of lands (c.16a., field-names), between Thos. White and Thos. Estcourt, 1800Includes will of Jn. Weake of Newnton, gent., 1749; settlement before marriage of Geo. White of Tetbury, mercer, and Mary, daughter of Thos. Wayt of Swindon, (Wilts.), gent., 1752; settlement before marriage of Thos. White of Tetbury, mercer, and Mary, daughter of Wm. Wood, sen., of Tetbury, cheesefactor, 1778, and settlement for younger children, 1791; White family settlement, 1812; copy letters of administration of Wm. Fisher of Tetbury, cheesefactor, 1819; settlement before marriage of Saml. Whitfield Daukes of Gloucester, architect, and Caroline Sarah, daughter of Thos. White of Woodchester, gent., 1836; extracts from registers of Stroud, Long Newnton and St. Mary de Lode, Gloucester concerning White family, 1808-36Date: 1749-1853. Reference: D1571/T41 (Data from direct source)
12) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 Record for Mary Wayt. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61187&h=699076&indiv=try. Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Parish Registers; Reference Number: 1357/2 (Data from direct source)
13) Source: Monuments Thos Kemble Wayt - son of Thomas and Ann, born 1718, died 27 Feb 1718, aged 30 [presumably days?]Ann Wayt - daughter of Thomas and Ann, born 1719, died 6 Sep 1719, aged 12 [presumably days?]Ann Wayt - wife of Thomas, born 1751, died 15 Jun 1782, aged 31Sarah Wayt - daughter of Thomas and Anne, born 1725, died 29 May 1730, aged 5Thomas Wayt - husband of Ann, born 1688, died 6 Mar 1753, aged 65. Reference: Wiltshire Memorials Index, Holy Rood Church, Swindon. Reference 173464 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
14) Source: Jefferies' land, a history of Swindon and its environs "Thomas Wayt, 1753". Reference: Page 41 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
15) Source: Monuments "Thomas Wayt, 1753". Reference: Stone, Holy Rood Church, Swindon (Data from secondary evidence)
16) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 Record for Thomas Wayt. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61187&h=1857158&indiv=try. Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Parish Registers; Reference Number: 1357/3 (Data from secondary evidence)
17) Source: Wiltshire Deeds "(1) Monk, Robert, malster(2) Wayt, Thomas, yeoman, of Eastcott, par. Swindon.Mortgage of same property as in Lease and Release of 1713, May 28, 19.". Reference: 212B/6474 (Data from direct source)