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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎Between 1214 and 1249;

Alexander II of Scotland was recorded as "King of Scotland"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


man Philip Darcy‏‎
Died ‎± 1264 Nocton, Lincolnshire, England 1)

Married 2)

woman Isabel Bertram‏‎
Died ‎1281 Nocton, Lincolnshire, England


man Roger Darcy‏
Born ‎± 1253 Oldcotes, Nottinghamshire, England
Died ‎before 12 May 1284 Lincolnshire, England‎


1) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Henry III "Philip de Arcy alias Darci...Sir Norman, his son, aged 28 and more, is his heir, and was married many years ago."Dated: 1264. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol1/pp177-184. Reference: C 132/30/12 (Data from direct source)
2) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Edward II "ROGER BERTRAM alias BERETREM, DE BERTRAM...He had one daughter Agnes, who died without heir. Philip Darcy, Elias de Pannebiri, and William, son of William de Emeley, each aged 30 at least, are now his next heirs...The said Roger had four sisters:—Agnes de Emeley, Isabel Darcy, Christiana de Ros, and Ada de Veer; from Agnes came William son of William, and from him William that now is; from Isabel issued Norman Darcy, and from him Philip Darcy that now is; from Christiana issued Elias de Penbury that now is; and from Ada issued Isabel, and from her Gilbert de Aton’ that now is; which William, Philip, Elias, and Gilbert are next heirs of the said Roger and Agnes." Date: 1310. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol5/pp164-176. Reference: C 134/23/14