Married/ Related to: N.N. Child: 1. Ekkehard I of Meissen, Margrave of MeissenBorn ± 960 Died 30 Apr 1002, approximately 42 years 2) Notes: Ekkehard and Swanhilde's eldest son was Herman. |
1) Source: Ottonian Germany: The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg "Ekkehard, scion of the most noble lineage of eastern Thuringia... along with his father,Gunther... he joined himself in marriage to Swanhild, widow of Count Thietmar and Duke Bernhard’s sister. As their first-born child, she presented him with a daughter, named Liudgard". Reference: Book 4, Chapter 39 (Data from secondary evidence)2) Source: Ottonian Germany: The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg "With a strongly thrown javelin, Siegfried hit him in the neck and forced him to the ground. As soon as they realized that Ekkehard had fallen, all eagerly attacked, cutting off his head and, even more wretched, plundering his corpse. This was done on 30 April.". Reference: Book 5, Chapter 6 (Data from secondary evidence)