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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎Between 1801 and 1855 Clapham, Surrey, England;

Roger Lee was recorded as "Member of Clapham Congregational Church"

Latest update2024-06-18 14:59
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4663


woman Joan Peverel‏‎
Died ‎after 30 Jun 1359 1)

Married ‎before 1339 2) (at least 19 years married)

man John d' Engaine‏‎ 3) 4)
Born ‎1303‎ 2) 5)
Died ‎1358‎, 54 or 55 years

Notes: Heir to his uncle John d'Engaine. Given the contradictory ages in the IPMs, it is hard to determine when he was born. An earlier date has been selected as it aligns with a majority of the earlier IPMs (e.g. that of his father Nicholas and that of his uncle, John).


woman Elizabeth Engaine‏ 3) 6) 4)

Notes: Elizabeth first married Sir William Cheyne who died c1397.


1) Source: Fitzwilliam (Milton) Charters "GRANT by William Bernak, Knt. to Dom.Joan, formerly wife of John Engayne Knt., Dom.William Bernak, parson of the church of Bullewyk [Bulwick],.." "S aft Nativity of St John Bapt [30 June] 33 Edw III [1359]". Reference: F(M) Charter/2033 (Data from direct source)
2) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Edward III "Helen, late the wife of John Engayne...the said John, with remainder to Nicholas, his brother...and further remainders successively to John, son of the said Nicholas, and the heirs male of his body, to Henry, brother of the said John...The said John, son of Nicholas, aged 30 years, is kinsman and heir of the said John Engayne...Dillyngton. The manor, held for her life, jointly with the said John and Nicholas Engayne his brother, of the gift and enfeoffment of Henry de Stradbroke and Thomas de Arderne, to hold to them for their lives, by fine levied in the court of King Edward II, with successive remainders to the said Nicholas for life, and to John son of the said Nicholas, and Joan daughter of Robert Peverel, and the heirs of the said John by the said Joan, and to the right heirs of the said John Engayne"Dated: 1340. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol8/pp155-166. Reference: C 135/59/21
3) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Henry IV "Katherine, widow of Thomas Dengayne...John is dead, and Thomas died without heirs by Katherine. The right to the manor thus remained in fee simple to Joyce then wife of John de Goldyngton, Elizabeth then wife of Lawrence de Pabenham, knight, and Mary then wife of William Bernak, knight, as sisters and heirs of Thomas, and daughters and heirs of John Engayne. Katherine held it when she died...conceded their rights in these manors to Lawrence and Elizabeth Pabenham and the heirs of Elizabeth. They died leaving issue Katherine, married to Thomas de Aylesbury, so that Katherine and Thomas de Aylesbury are now the heirs...Katherine Aylesbury is aged 28 years and more."Dated: 1400. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol18/pp1-20. Reference: C 137/2/10 (Data from direct source)
4) Source: The History of Parliament . External Link
http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1386-1421/member/aylesbury-sir-thomas-1418. Reference: Aylesbury, Sir Thomas (d.1418), of Milton Keynes, Bucks (Questionable reliability of evidence)
5) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Edward II "Nicholas Dengayne...held jointly by the said Nicholas and Amice his wife to them and their heirs, by the grant of Joan late the wife of John Dengayne, mother of the said Nicholas, of John de Haudloo by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.John, son of the said Nicholas and Amice, aged 21 and more, is next heir..T.he manor acquired of Sir John son of Vitalis Engayne and Joan his wife"Dated: 1323. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol6/pp218-229. Reference: C 134/74/19 (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series I, Henry IV "John Pabenham...All these Margery wife of Nicholas de Cryoll gave to Elizabeth de Clifford and her heirs by a fine of 1302. Elizabeth was [afterwards] the wife of John de Pabenham. They held, and had a son Thomas, who entered and held these lands as heir of Elizabeth. Lawrence Pabenham, knight, succeeded as son and heir of Thomas. He married Elizabeth Engayne and has issue Katherine wife of Thomas Aylesbury, knight, and she is still living. Elizabeth Engayne died. Lawrence then married Joan Daubeneye and had issue John Pabenham and Eleanor wife of John de Thryngham. Lawrence held the premises, and after his death John his son and heir, who died under age in the king’s ward without heirs of his body. They should therefore descend to Katherine and Eleanor, daughters of Lawrence and next heirs of John...Katherine is aged 30 years and more, Eleanor 19 years and more."Dated: 1407. External Link
https://www.british-history.ac.uk/inquis-post-mortem/vol19/pp65-84. Reference: C 137/59/61 (Data from direct source)