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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎Between Jan 1396/97 and Oct 1404;

Thomas Walweyn was recorded as "Elected 4 times as MP for Herefordshire"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


man Aubry I of Mâcon, Count of Macon‏‎ 1)
Died ‎± 28 Sep 943 1)

Notes: Aubry was probably son of Viscount Mayeul of Narbonne and Raimonde. Mayeul and Raimond had a son Aubry, and chonology, omnastics and geography all align with that Aubry being this Aubry.

Married/ Related

woman Tolosane of Mâcon‏‎ 2)


man Lieutaud of Mâcon, Count of Burgundy, Count of Mâcon and Besançon‏ 3)
Died ‎between 4 Jan 958 and 20 Aug 960 3)
man Humbert I of Salins, Lord of Salins‏
Born ‎905
Died ‎957/58‎, approximately 52 years


1) Source: The Henry Project . External Link
https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/aubry001.htm. Reference: Aubry I (Albericus) (Questionable reliability of evidence)
2) Source: The Henry Project . External Link
https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/tolos000.htm. Reference: Tolosane/Etolane/Attalane (Questionable reliability of evidence)
3) Source: The Henry Project . External Link
https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/letal001.htm. Reference: Liétaud (Leotaldus) (Questionable reliability of evidence)