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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎Between 29 Dec 1850 and 25 Aug 1855;

Albert Lee Overbury was recorded as "HMS Amphitrite; Midshipman then Acting Mate. Served on HMS Amphitrite with a brief interlude for examinations"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


man Roger de Lacy, Constable of Chester‏‎ 1)

Married/ Related

woman Maud Unknown‏‎ 2)


man John de Lacy, 2nd Earl of Lincoln (jure uxoris), Constable of Chester‏
Born ‎± 1192
Died ‎22 Jul 1240‎, approximately 48 years


1) Source: Duchy of Lancaster: Deeds, Series LS "John de Lascy, Constable of Chester, to William de Essartis: Grant of all the land which Robert de Essartis, William's father, held from Roger de Lascy, John's father, at Hague in South Kirkby"Dated: 1211-1232. External Link
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C5414364. Reference: DL 27/201 (Data from direct source)
2) Source: Duchy of Lancaster: Deeds, Series L "Richard Robbe to John de Lascy, Constable of Chester, and Maud de Lascy, his mother"Dated: Between 1201 and 1266. External Link
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C5687995. Reference: DL 25/2910 (Data from direct source)