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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎Between 979 and 993;

William I of Provence was recorded as "Count of Provence"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


woman Adelaide of Tours‏‎
Born ‎± 820
Died ‎before 862 18 August. Probably before 8621)

Married/ Related

man Conrad of Auxerre, Count in Argengau and Linzgau‏‎ 2)
Died ‎after 862 22 March 1)

Notes: Conrad's identification as a son of Welf, is indirect - through texts (e.g. Nithard and Thegan) that identify Judith as a sister of Conrad and Rudolf.


man Welf of Ammergau‏ 2)

Notes: Welf being the father of Eticho is entirely conjectural, based (simplifying), on the presence of Eticho names in Welf's ancestry and the presence of Welf names in Eticho's descendants.


1) Source: The Henry Project . External Link
https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/welf0000.htm. Reference: Welf (Questionable reliability of evidence)
2) Source: Les Félins de Brunswick: Henri le Lion, duc de Saxe, et ses fils: l'empereur Otton IV, le comte palatin Henri (XIIe et XIIIe siècles) A family tree for the early House of Welf, claiming to only show known facts.. Reference: Page 259 (Questionable reliability of evidence)