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King Edward I
King Henry I
Random Fact
‎Between 1067 and 1097;

Gervaise II of Château-du-Loire was recorded as "Lord of Château-du-Loire"

Latest update2024-06-18 14:59
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4663


man John I of Alençon, Count of Alençon‏‎ 1)
Born ‎± 1120
Died ‎24 Feb 1191‎, approximately 71 years

Notes: Succeeded his father in certain lands in Normandy and Alencon - his grand-nephew succeeding in Ponthieu. He was a supporter of the Perseigne Abbey and the Abbey of Saint- Martin of Troarn. He was succeeded by his son, Hugh. Other children (based on charters at Perseigne) included John, Robert, and William.

Married/ Related

woman Beatrice d'Anjou‏‎


woman Unknown of Alençon‏
Died ‎after 1220


1) Source: Cartulaire De L'abbaye Cistercienne De Perseigne "Universis presentes literas inspecturis , ego Hamericus, vicecomes de Castro-Heraudi... et privilegiis inclyte recordationis Guillermi quondam comitis Pontivii et Roberti comitis Alenchonis et sagonensis domini predecessorisque et avunculi nostri aliorumque prede cessorum nostrorum continetur que et quas in omnibus approbo et confirmo.". Reference: XIX (Data from secondary evidence)