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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎9 Feb 1948 Ganacker, Bavaria, Germany;

Victor Ivanovich Skliar was recorded as "Registered at AEF Assembly Center for English Labour Mission. Cancelled 31 March 1848"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


man Æthelwulf of Wessex, King of Kent, King of Wessex, King of Kent‏‎ 1)
Died ‎13 Jan 857/58 1)
Buried ‎ Winchester, Hampshire, England 1)

Notes: Asser identifies Aethulwulf as father of Alfred the Great. Contemporary evidence, including charters, and secondary evidence (e.g. Anglo Saxon Chronicle) provide evidence for his existence.

Married/ Related

woman Osburh Unknown‏‎ 2) 3)
Daughter of Oslac Unknown and N.N.‏.

Notes: Little is known of Osburh other than the name of her famous son and husband.


man Ælfred 'the Great' of Wessex, King of Wessex‏ 4) 5)
Born ‎849 Wantage, Berkshire, England‎ 6)
Died ‎26 Oct 899 Buried at Winchester‎, 49 or 50 years 7)


1) Source: The Henry Project . External Link
https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/aethe001.htm. Reference: Æthelwulf (Questionable reliability of evidence)
2) Source: Asser's Life of King Alfred "Mater [Ælfredi] quoque eiusdem Osburh nominabatur, religiosa nimium femina, nobilis ingenio, nobilis et genere; quae erat filia Oslac, famosi pincernae Æthelwulfi regis." (Data from secondary evidence)
3) Source: The Henry Project . External Link
https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/osbur000.htm. Reference: Osburh (Questionable reliability of evidence)
4) Source: Asser's Life of King Alfred "Nati sunt ergo ei filii et filiae de supradicta coniuge sua [scilicet] Æthelflæd primogenita, post quam Eadwerd, deinde Æthelgeofu, postea Ælfthryth, deinde Æthelweard natus est, exceptis his, qui in infantia morte praeveniente praeoccupati sunt" (Data from secondary evidence)
5) Source: Genealogia comitum Flandrensium ex libro Florido et Chronico Aldenburgensi, etc "Balduinus autem Calvus ducta filia Edgeri regis Anglorum nomine Elferudem, genuit Arnolfum magnum, restauratorem blandiniensis cenobii" (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: Asser's Life of King Alfred "Anno Dominicae Incarnationis DCCCXLIX natus est Ælfred, Angul-Saxonum rex, in villa regia, quae dicitur Uuanating, in illa paga, quae nominatur Berrocscire ..." (Data from secondary evidence)
7) Source: The Henry Project "Two tenth century calendars place Ælfred's death on 26 October". External Link
https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/aelfr000.htm. Reference: Ælfred "the Great" (Questionable reliability of evidence)