Married 868 5) (30 or 31 years married) to: ![]() Children: |
1) Source: Asser's Life of King Alfred "Nati sunt ergo ei filii et filiae de supradicta coniuge sua [scilicet] Æthelflæd primogenita, post quam Eadwerd, deinde Æthelgeofu, postea Ælfthryth, deinde Æthelweard natus est, exceptis his, qui in infantia morte praeveniente praeoccupati sunt" (Data from secondary evidence)2) Source: Genealogia comitum Flandrensium ex libro Florido et Chronico Aldenburgensi, etc "Balduinus autem Calvus ducta filia Edgeri regis Anglorum nomine Elferudem, genuit Arnolfum magnum, restauratorem blandiniensis cenobii" (Data from secondary evidence)
3) Source: Asser's Life of King Alfred "Anno Dominicae Incarnationis DCCCXLIX natus est Ælfred, Angul-Saxonum rex, in villa regia, quae dicitur Uuanating, in illa paga, quae nominatur Berrocscire ..." (Data from secondary evidence)
4) Source: The Henry Project "Two tenth century calendars place Ælfred's death on 26 October". External Link Reference: Ælfred "the Great" (Questionable reliability of evidence)
5) Source: The Henry Project . External Link Reference: Ealhswith
6) Source: The Henry Project . External Link Reference: Ælfthryth (Ælfðryð, Elftrude) (Questionable reliability of evidence)
7) Source: The Henry Project . External Link Reference: Eadweard (Edward) "the Elder" (Questionable reliability of evidence)
8) Source: The Capetians: Kings of France 987-1328 "Charles' son, the young Lous (IV), escaped rolled in a bundle of fodder. Charles' wife Eadgifu, daughter of Edward the Elder of England, took Louis to exile in England.". Reference: Page 35 (Data from secondary evidence)
9) Source: Cosmas of Prague, The Chronicle of the Czechs "After Spytihněv’s death, the duchy was obtained by Vratislav, who married Drahomíra of the hardiest tribe of the Lutici from a province called Stodor... She gave birth to twosons: Wenceslas... and Boleslav" (Data from secondary evidence)