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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎2 Feb 1851;

Richard Yealland was recorded as "2nd Class Gunner Seniority"

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man John Walweyn‏‎ 1) 2) 3) 4)
Died ‎1587 5) 6) 2)
Residences: ‎22 Jul 1563 Newland, Worcestershire, England 7), 8), ‎1569 Worcester, Worcestershire, England 3), ‎1569 Coddington, Herefordshire, England 9), ‎1564 Little Malvern, Worcestershire, England 10)

Will signed: ‎28 Jun 1587 Brobury, Herefordshire, England 2)

Notes: John Walweyn came into ownership of the manor of Newland, Worcestershire, in 1563, purchasing it from Humfrey Shelton and Edward Hunte. The manor remained with the family until at least his great grand-daughter's generation.
His will requests that he is buried in Colwall - where he was buried - a stone tablet in Colwall church, dated 1587, "I.W., Walweyn and Rudhale."

John Walweyn's will is the best primary source for identifying John's relatives through bequests: - See "Edward Walwyn" for the proposed reconstruction of this line.
"My said loving friends and cosens...William Rudhall of Rudhall Esquire, Nicholas Walweyn of Longford Esquire Edward Walweyn of Southam (?) gent, William Harper (?) of Longeford gent, Matthew Walweyn of Xhill gent"
"Richard Smith alias Taylor"
"My sonnes Robert, Gabryell, John, James and Humfrey"
"Daughter Katherine"
"My sister Myntridge's children...Richard..Mary...Anne"
"My sister's son Ferdinando Stratford...and to Judith Stratford his sister"
"Margery Bridge my cosen"
"to younge William David my daughter's sonne"
"to Edward that was brought up with my father"
"Thomas Homes my servinte (?)"

John's will also provides good evidence for all his children being of the same mother (Joyce Rudhale). For example the following lines:
"my oldest sonne Robert" hence he must have been born before all John's other children
"should behave and be obedient to his [Robert] mother"
"my said sonne Robert that he after the decease of his said mother"
"and after the decease of my said wyfe his [Robert] mother"

His will also mentions that he held the manors of Newland, Worcestershire; Barke (left to James), Herefordshire; Bredwardine, Herefordshire; Brockbery. Held significant land elsewhere including in Powick, Madresfield, Muche Malvern, Batenshull,

Married/ Related

woman Joyce Rudhale‏‎ 11) 12) 13) 14) 3) 15)
Died ‎after 1598 15)

Notes: Direct evidence for John Walweyn's partner being a Rudhall (or Ruddall) includes :
On the tomb of Robert Walweyn's wife, Penelope, formerly in Great Malvern church, there appeared a crest, identified as that of Rydall, alongside 34 other Coats of Arms. Those Coats of Arms predominately represent Penelope's ancestors, though also include Walweyn. It does not seem unreasonable for one of the arms to represent those of her mother-in-law
John Walweyn's will mentions William Rudhall of Rudhall, his cousin.
A stone tablet in Colwall church, dated 1587, in memory of John Walweyn states: "I.W., Walweyn and Rudhale."
Robert Walweyn (John's son) names a child of his second marriage "Herbert Rudhall Westphaling"

Secondary sources including the 1569 Visitations of the County of Worcester and Herefordshire provide further evidence:
"John Walwyn of Codington in co. Hereford & now resident in County Worcester (City)1569." married "Joyce da. to John Rudall of Rudall in co. Hereford."
And Burke's "A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great" identifies John Walweyn's wife as Jocosa Rudall

Further evidence that Robert's mother was called Joyce is available in Worcestershire Feet of Fines, which show that before 1598 the Manor of Woodsfield in Great Malvern, had passed to Robert Walweyn and Joyce Walweyn, widow,


Various online family trees show Joyce Rudhall to be a daughter of John Rudhall and Mary Fettiplace (and therefore a grandaughter of John Rudhall and Isabel Whittington). This is not chronologically possible, given known dates for these individuals.


man Robert Walweyn‏ 16)
Died ‎between 1608 and 1619 5) 17)
Residence: 18) 19)

Legal: Leased manor of Matson for £600 with Morice Gilberte from Henry Ligon ‎15 Feb 1599/00 20) 21)

Notes: Robert Walweyn remarried Elizabeth Westphaling, 13 February 1597. They had a descendant named Herbert Rudhall Westphaling.

Robert was alive in 1608 when he gives a deposition in a case against John Street regarding the Manor of Newland which he had inherited form his father (E 134/6Jas1/Trin9).

Various online trees (e.g. Familysearch) identify Robert's mother as not Joyce but rather a first wife of John (Margaret daughter to John Peche). The language in John's will (see "John Walweyn") strongly suggests that is not the case. This also aligns with the contemporaneous 1569 Worcester visitation where John's first wife is named Margaret but it records her as having died without issue.


1) Source: Berrington Collection "Bargain and sale and feoffment from John Walweyn of Brockburie [Brobury], Herefs., gent., and Robert Walweyn, son and heir of the said John, to John Russell of Little Malvern, Worcs., gent., and Jane, his wife, of a messuage, lands and appurtenances in Little Malvern and part of a meadow called Banfeild and appurtenances in Castle Moreton [Castlemorton] or Longdon, both in Worcs., formerly purchased from Henry Russell, Esq., deceased, father of the said John Russell. 28 Eliz.I. Witnesses: Richard Barnard alias Nicholas, clerk,... Trewe, scholemaster, John Pearte, Thomas Man, Thomas Hore, John Hope the younger, David Griffithe, John Shewerde, Thomas Burford, son of Franncis Burford, John Perte. Seal - one missing. Consideration: ..."Date: 1585-1586. Reference: 705:24/90 (Data from direct source)
2) Source: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Will of John Walweyn or Wallwyn, Gentleman of Brockbury, HerefordshireDate: 27 June 1587Mentions:1) 'Robert my sonne'2) William Rudhall of Rudhall3) Nicholas Walwyn of Longford4) Matthew Walweyn of ?. Reference: PROB 11/70/470 (Data from direct source)
3) Source: The Visitation of the County of Worcester made in the year 1569 "Arms. - Gules, a bend ermine, in sinister chief a talbot or, within a bordure engrailed of the second, a mullet for difference.""Crest. - On a mural crown ... a wyvern with wings expanded vert pierced through the mouth with a broken javelin argent, a mullet for difference.""John Walwin of Langford in the county of Hereford descended of the howse of Sr Rich. Walwin." married to "..."Parents of:"Edward Walwin" married to "Peryn da. to ... Bruge of Hall Court in com. Hereford"Parents of:"John Walwyn of Codington in co. Hereford & now resident in County Worcester (City) 1569." married "Joyce da. to John Rudall of Rudall in co. Hereford."Parents of:"Robart Walwyn sonn & heire". Reference: Page 141; Walwin pedigree (Questionable reliability of evidence)
4) Source: Collection Deposited by Mrs D.G. Mead "Humfrey Shelton of London and Edmund Hunte gentlemen, for a sum of money paid by John Walweyn of Little Malvern gentleman have enfeoffed him in their lordship and manor of Newlande co Worcs, late belonging to the Prioery of Great Malvern, and in the site or capital messuage, with all liberties, as in letters patent of 21 July 5 Elizabeth, inter alia, to use of John Walweyn, his heirs and assigns, to be held of the crown of the manor of Estgrenewiche co Kent in common soccage and not in chief or by military service. Warranty..."Date: 22 July 1653 Manor inherited by Robert.. External Link
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/e7a498a4-42bb-43d7-b97f-eae90859498f. Reference: 1623/50 (Data from secondary evidence)
5) Source: Victoria County History "The manor of NEWLAND (fn. 142) (Nova Terra, xii cent.) was given to the priory of Malvern by Gilbert, (fn. 143) Abbot of Westminster (fn. 144) (ob. 1117). (fn. 145) This gift was confirmed by Henry I: 'I grant and confirm Newland (Nova Terra) also, with Woodsfield (Windeff) and Limberga situated between Powick and Baldenhall, as Walter of Gloucester and others of my barons on my behalf, and Gilbert abbot of Westminster and the convent there by Hugh and Warner his monks on his behalf, gave to the brothers of the priory.' (fn. 146) The grant was confirmed by Pope Honorius III in 1217. (fn. 147) In 1291 the prior held 2 carucates of land at Newland. (fn. 148) At the Dissolution the priory lands here, including the grange, were valued at £8 14s. 11d. (fn. 149) In 1563 the manor and capital messuage of Newland, in the occupation of John Moore and his wife Alice, (fn. 150) were granted to Humphrey Shelton and Edmund Hunt. (fn. 151) They may have been 'fishing grantees,' for about 1568 Newland was granted to the Walweyn family. (fn. 152) John Walweyn, probably the original grantee, died apparently before 1587, in which year his son Robert dealt with the manor, (fn. 153) probably in settlement on his wife Penelope Lygon. Robert settled it in 1607 on his second wife Elizabeth. (fn. 154) He was alive in 1608, (fn. 155) but was succeeded by his son John before 1619. (fn. 156) John died a lunatic about 1624, leaving as heir his daughter Elizabeth, aged seven. (fn. 157) She afterwards married Walter White of Wiltshire, (fn. 158)". Reference: Great Malvern with Newland: A History of the County of Worcester: volume 4 (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: Monuments Oblong panel with standing figures. - John Walweyn, 1587.. Reference: Colwall, Herefordshire (Data from direct source)
7) Source: Collection Deposited by Mrs D.G. Mead "Humfrey Shelton of London and Edmund Hunte gentlemen, for a sum of money paid by John Walweyn of Little Malvern gentleman have enfeoffed him in their lordship and manor of Newlande co Worcs, late belonging to the Prioery of Great Malvern, and in the site or capital messuage, with all liberties, as in letters patent of 21 July 5 Elizabeth, inter alia, to use of John Walweyn, his heirs and assigns, to be held of the crown of the manor of Estgrenewiche co Kent in common soccage and not in chief or by military service. Warranty..."Date: 22 July 1653. External Link
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/e7a498a4-42bb-43d7-b97f-eae90859498f. Reference: 1623/50 (Data from direct source)
8) Source: The visitation of the county of Worcester, begun by Thomas May, Chester, and Gregory King, Rouge dragon, in Trinity vacacon, 1682, and finished by Henry Dethick, Richmond, and the said Rouge dragon, pursuivant, in Trinity vacacon, 1683, by virtue of several deputacons from Sir Henry St. George, Clarenceux kinge of armes "John Walweyn of Little Malvern, co. Worc.". Reference: Page 100 (Data from secondary evidence)
9) Source: The visitation of Herefordshire made by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux, in 1569 "Arms: Walwyn. Gu. a bend with a bordure Erm, in chief a talbot passant Or., in chief a mullet for difference.Crest: Ditto. On a wall or part of a battlement masoned Sa. a wivern, wings expanded Vert. pierced through the mouth with a spear Sa. headed Arg. [a barred chest].""John Walwin of Longford in the County of Hereford, Esquier." married "Agnes d. and coh. of Simon Milbourne of Tillington."Parents of:"Edwarde of Coddington" married to "Peryn, d. of Bruge of Hull."Parents of:"John Walweyn of Coddington, 1569.". Reference: Page 69; Walwyn of Longford or Longworth Pedigree (Data from secondary evidence)
10) Source: Okeover family of Okeover "Acquittance to John Walwen of Little Malvern, Worcestershire, gent., and James Rogers of Deyinte(?) Herefordshire, gent., of the sum of 14s 8d., for wood, underwood and timber from a tenement in Kempley, Gloucestershire, part of which lies in the villein and fields of Great Martley, Herefordshire 28 Nov". Dated: 1564. External Link
https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/32277af7-f239-453b-a88f-044e9d679b88. Reference: D231M/T848 (Data from direct source)
11) Source: The Heraldry of Worcestershire "RYDALLOr on a bend gules three Katherine wheels of the field (N.)This coat was formerly in Great Malvern church, on the tomb of Penelope, wife of Robert Walwyn of Newland, and daughter of Richard Lygon of Madresfield. It appears to be the coat of the family of Rudhall of Rudhall, co. Hereford; but Dr. Strong (Heraldry of Herefordshire) and the Heraldic Dictionaries five the bend azure and the wheels argent.". Reference: Page 488 (Unreliable evidence or estimated data)
12) Source: Victoria County History Colwall"(1) to [John] Walweyn, 1587, stone tablet with border, cornice achievement-of-arms and the initials and names I.W., Walweyn and Rudhale.". Reference: Colwall: An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 2: East (Unreliable evidence or estimated data)
13) Source: Monuments On the North side of the Communion table is a flat stone, with the inscription round it in capitals:"Here lyethe the bodye of Penelope, the wife of Robert Walweyn, of Neulande, gentleman, the daughter of Richard Ligon, of Madersfyelde, esquire, the sonne of William Ligon, esquire, sonne of Sir Richard Ligon, knight, the sonne of Thomas Ligon, esquire and Anne his wife, one of the daughters of the lorde Beauchampe, her mother was Marye, the daughter of Sir Thomas Russell, of Strensham, knyghte. Obiit 13 Januarii, 1596."This stone formerly covered a raised monument, which stood where the communion table now is, on the wall; at her feet were these verses:"Hic pia Penelope Walwini conditur uxor,Jamdudum morbis languida, docta mori.""Docta mori, vitae que breves transcendere metasNune anima coelum possidet, ante fide."On the other three sides were thirty-five coats of arms: the principal were Walweyn impaling Ligon; some of the others were Godhead, Russell, Planges, Hodington, Cromeley, Somery, Albany, Haute, earl of Chester, Golafer, Cassy, Cookesey, Thurgrim, Cholmley, Askham, Rydal, Lygon, Bracy, Blanchmister, Giffard, Beauchamp, baron of Powick, D'Abetot, Hulgreve, Sir Gerard de Useslate, Lovestofte, Verdon, Greville.. Reference: Malvern Church: From 'A General History of Malvern, J. Chambers (W. Walcott, 1817)' (Unreliable evidence or estimated data)
14) Source: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Will of John Walweyn or Wallwyn, Gentleman of Brockbury, HerefordshireDate: 27 June 1587Mentions:1) 'Robert my sonne'2) William Rudhall of Rudhall3) Nicholas Walwyn of Longford4) Matthew Walweyn of ? John Walweyn is a cousin of William Rudhall. Reference: PROB 11/70/470 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
15) Source: Victoria County History "The manor of WOODSFIELD... Before 1598 it had passed to Robert Walweyn and Joyce Walweyn, widow, ... Feet of F. Worcs. Trin. 40 Eliz.". External Link
http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/worcs/vol4/pp184-192. Reference: Powick (Unreliable evidence or estimated data)
16) Source: Collection Deposited by Mrs D.G. Mead "Humfrey Shelton of London and Edmund Hunte gentlemen, for a sum of money paid by John Walweyn of Little Malvern gentleman have enfeoffed him in their lordship and manor of Newlande co Worcs, late belonging to the Prioery of Great Malvern, and in the site or capital messuage, with all liberties, as in letters patent of 21 July 5 Elizabeth, inter alia, to use of John Walweyn, his heirs and assigns, to be held of the crown of the manor of Estgrenewiche co Kent in common soccage and not in chief or by military service. Warranty..."Date: 22 July 1653 Manor inherited by John.. External Link
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/e7a498a4-42bb-43d7-b97f-eae90859498f. Reference: 1623/50 (Data from secondary evidence)
17) Source: Victoria County History. Reference: Great Malvern with Newland: A History of the County of Worcester: volume 4 (Data from secondary evidence)
18) Source: The visitation of the county of Worcester, begun by Thomas May, Chester, and Gregory King, Rouge dragon, in Trinity vacacon, 1682, and finished by Henry Dethick, Richmond, and the said Rouge dragon, pursuivant, in Trinity vacacon, 1683, by virtue of several deputacons from Sir Henry St. George, Clarenceux kinge of armes "Of Brockbury, p'ish of Colwall, co. Heref. and aftewards of Newland, co Worcestershire". Reference: Page 100 (Data from secondary evidence)
19) Source: The Visitation of the County of Worcester made in the year 1569. Reference: Lygon pedigree (Data from secondary evidence)
20) Source: Gloucestershire Parish Deeds "Lease from Henry Ligon of Madresfield to Morice Gilberte of Witcombe (Glos) and Robert Walweyne of Newland (Worcs) of the Manor of Matson for the sum of £600 during the life of the said Henry"Date: 15 February 1600. Reference: D2957/201/43 - Matson Parish Deeds (Data from direct source)
21) Source: Gloucestershire Parish Deeds. Reference: D2957/201/43 - Matson Parish Deeds (Data from direct source)