![]() Son of Robert Walweyn and Penelope Lygon. Born ± 1590 Colwall, Herefordshire, England Died ± 1624, approximately 34 years 4) Residence: Medical condition: Lunatic 5) 6) Notes: John Walweyn's IPM is dated 1624. There are however references to Nicholas Greene and Elizabeth his wife, dated between 1653 and 1656, where they are described as John's guardians. It seems, however, that those dates refer to the date of copying / admission. Married/ Related to: Child: 1. ![]() Born 29 Sep 1617 Mathon, Worcestershire, England 11) 15) 16) 4) Died 1 Oct 1675 Grittleton, Wiltshire, England, 58 years 11) 1) 16) 17) 14) Buried 5 Oct 1675 St Mary's Church, Grittleton, Wiltshire, England 17) Will signed: 27 Sep 1676 16) 14) Notes: Elizabeth Walweyn was first married to Col. Walter White Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel and Governor of Bristol for Parliament during the Civil War. She re-married following his death. "Daughter of John Walwyn of Lulham. She had manors of Newlands and Woodfields, co. Worc. She marr., secondly, as his 3rd wife, her brother-in-law Nicholas Greene, of Foscote. Buried at Grittleton". Page 217, "Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine", 1927-1929. |
1) Source: The History of the Parish of Grittleton "Elizabeth, sole dau. and heiress of John Walwyn, of Lulham, co. Hereford; she had the manors of Newlands and Woodsfield, co. Worcester; she married 2dly, and was 3rd wife of Nicholas Green, died 1675; bur. at Grittleton.". Reference: Page 7 (Data from secondary evidence)2) Source: Miscellaneous Worcestershire Deeds "Indenture between John Dickins of Newland, esq., Elizabeth, his wife, Elizabeth Walwin, daughter and heir apparant of John Walwin of Newland, gent., concerning the custody of John Walwin a lunatic."Date: 4 August 1614. Reference: MS 3197/ACC 1919-025/280833 (Data from direct source)
3) Source: Collection Deposited by Mrs D.G. Mead "Lease(1) Nicholas Greene of Grittleton to Wilts. esq and Elizabeth his wife gardian for John Walwin of Woodfield parish Powithe co. Worcs, gentle.(2) Richard Champflowre of Maderfield co Worcs. yeoman John Champfloure son of John Champfloure late of Newland co. Worcs yeoman and nephew of RichardFor the surrender of a copy dated 11 August 24 Charles I of a court baron of Newlands, in which one parcell of arable land called Colstryes was granted for a consideration of 40 shillings.Demise of a barne and parcell of land called Golstryes now divided into small parcells (about 8 acres) into the highway from Newlands to Madenfields on the west side and the lands of Edward Thomas on the north and east sides and the land of Richard Dick on the south. (all timber growing on the land excepted-thus to be reserved for Nicholas Greene his heirs etc.)For the natural lives of Richard and John Champfloure.Rent 2/- to be paid within one month of Michaelmas and Ladyday or Greene to reenter the premises. £1.6.8d to be paid in liey of herriot at the decease of Richard or John Champfloure. To take sufficient housebot, cartebot and gatebot to be used upon the premises for neccessary epairs Lancelott Thornton and William Cook to be the lawful attorneys of Nicholas Greene and Elizabeth his wife.Signed Richard ChampfloureWitnesses Lancelot GantonWilliam CookeEdward CodisRobert WinsnowGiles Champfloure."Date: 23 July 1666. Reference: 2705/34 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
4) Source: Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series II, and other Inquisitions, Henry VII to Charles I "Walwyn, John (lunatic): Hereford"Dated: 22 James IHeir: Elizabeth aged 7. Reference: C 142/404/116 (Data from direct source)
5) Source: Collection Deposited by Mrs D.G. Mead "Copy of a Court Baron of NewlandSurrender and admissionNicholas Greene and Elizabeth His wife, gardians of John Walwyn, [...] Ge gent a lunatic.William Cooke surrendered one messuage and appurtenances meadow 1 lessons etc., previously in the possession of James Cooke and Adam Cooke his sons, for the use of William Cooke and John Cooke, for the term of their natural lives, for the rent of 8/2d yearly and a herriot at the decease of either of them, the best beast or &1.0.8d and two capons at Christmas.Fine of £12 for admission"Date: 6 Nov 1656. Reference: 2705/33 (Data from direct source)
6) Source: Miscellaneous Worcestershire Deeds "Indenture between John Dickins of Newland, esq., Elizabeth, his wife, Elizabeth Walwin, daughter and heir apparant of John Walwin of Newland, gent., concerning the custody of John Walwin a lunatic."Date: 4 August 1640. Reference: MS 3197/ACC 1919-025/280833 (Data from direct source)
7) Source: A Survey of Worcestershire “In the East end of the Chauncell, on the west wall, is in the myddest and worthyest place, Argent, 3 barres Gules between 8 scallopes Sables. On the dexter part of the wall the same armes impalinge Argent, a saltyre Sables ; Slaughter of Slaughter; but the saltyre should be Azure. The Creast, uppon a wreath Argent Gules a Faucon open. On the sinister Argent, a saltyre Sables. The creast, a demy eagle displayed Argent winged Azure out of a crown Or. The coullers of thease armes are heare and theare halfe and imperfect. Vnder thease a raysed monument of a gentellman and his wife with theire daughter, face to face, kneelinge and prayinge. Over theyre heades a bend and border ingrailed ermine, a hound passant with a mollet on the bend for difference. The creast a dragon uppon an imbattelled wall open and segreant with wreath mantlinge and doublinge all without coullers. The inscription, Hie jacet Jana uxor Johannes Walwein, gen. filia Paridis Slaughter, Arm., quae obiit 2 die Octobris An. Do. 1617. Vnderneathe in the middell pane Walwein's armes as above, without creast, impaling the saltyre quartered with a pyle. And on the ground ingrauen on a white stone, 1617, here lyeth the wyfe of John Wulwein, gent., who dyed the 2 of October, 1617.On the highest pane of the southe windowe of the chauncell, Gules, a fesse betweene 6 martlets Or, labell of three in cheyfe Asure. Beauchamp, Baron of Powyke. Lygon, a coheyre of the Lord Beauchamp of Powyke had landes in this paryshe.”. Reference: Mathon Church (Questionable reliability of evidence)
8) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813 Record for Jane Slaughter. External Link Reference: Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucestershire, England; Gloucestershire Anglican Parish Registers; Reference Number: GDR/V1/202 (Data from secondary evidence)
9) Source: Monuments "Hic Iacet Iana Vxor Iohis Walweyn Genr.Filia Paridis Sloveghter ArmigeriQuae Obijt 20 Oct: Ao Dni 1617.". Reference: St John's Church, Mathon, Worcestershire (Data from direct source)
10) Source: The History of the Parish of Grittleton "3rd w. Elizabeth White (born Walwyn), widow of Col. Walter White ; executrix to her husband in 1671.". Reference: Page 14 (Data from secondary evidence)
11) Source: Monuments "Here is also interr'd the body of Elizabeth, wife of the said Lt.-Col. Walter White, who was afterwards married to Mr. Nicholas Greene, by whom she had issue one dau. She departed this life 1 Oct. 1675 aet 63.". Reference: Grittleton Church (Questionable reliability of evidence)
12) Source: Monuments "Here also lyeth interred the Body of Rebecca, the Wife of Robert Wilshur, of this place, gent. She was Daughter of Nicholas Greene, of Winterborne Stoke, in this County Esq. by Elizabeth, his Wife, Relict of Coll. Walter White. She deparated this life the 14th day of April, Anno Domini 1725. Aetatis 66.". Reference: On Brass Plate, Grittleton: (Data from direct source)
13) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "Rebecca Green daughtr of Mr Nicholas Green Esqr and Elizabeth his wife born Aug 16 1659". External Link Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Parish Registers; Reference Number: 1620/1 (Data from direct source)
14) Source: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Record for Eliztha Greene" body may be my first husband Walter White...Walter White the Elder my only sonne and heire...My daughter his wife...Three Grandchildren Walter, Henry and Priscilla White...James Nobbs Paull...Cosen Elenor...My three servants...Rebeccah Greene my only daughter... [not yet married]My daughter Rebeccah my executor...". External Link Reference: The National Archives; Kew, England; Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 352 (Data from direct source)
15) Source: Victoria County History "The manor of NEWLAND (fn. 142) (Nova Terra, xii cent.) was given to the priory of Malvern by Gilbert, (fn. 143) Abbot of Westminster (fn. 144) (ob. 1117). (fn. 145) This gift was confirmed by Henry I: 'I grant and confirm Newland (Nova Terra) also, with Woodsfield (Windeff) and Limberga situated between Powick and Baldenhall, as Walter of Gloucester and others of my barons on my behalf, and Gilbert abbot of Westminster and the convent there by Hugh and Warner his monks on his behalf, gave to the brothers of the priory.' (fn. 146) The grant was confirmed by Pope Honorius III in 1217. (fn. 147) In 1291 the prior held 2 carucates of land at Newland. (fn. 148) At the Dissolution the priory lands here, including the grange, were valued at £8 14s. 11d. (fn. 149) In 1563 the manor and capital messuage of Newland, in the occupation of John Moore and his wife Alice, (fn. 150) were granted to Humphrey Shelton and Edmund Hunt. (fn. 151) They may have been 'fishing grantees,' for about 1568 Newland was granted to the Walweyn family. (fn. 152) John Walweyn, probably the original grantee, died apparently before 1587, in which year his son Robert dealt with the manor, (fn. 153) probably in settlement on his wife Penelope Lygon. Robert settled it in 1607 on his second wife Elizabeth. (fn. 154) He was alive in 1608, (fn. 155) but was succeeded by his son John before 1619. (fn. 156) John died a lunatic about 1624, leaving as heir his daughter Elizabeth, aged seven. (fn. 157) She afterwards married Walter White of Wiltshire, (fn. 158)". Reference: Great Malvern with Newland: A History of the County of Worcester: volume 4 (Data from secondary evidence)
16) Source: Engrossed Inventories Exhibited from 1660 "Greene, Elizabeth, of Grittleton, Wilts., widow"Date: 27 September 1676. Reference: PROB 4/4132 (Data from secondary evidence)
17) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "1675 Mrs Elizabeth Green of Foscot dyed October 1, buried Octob 5". External Link Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Parish Registers; Reference Number: 1620/1 (Data from direct source)