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‎Between May 1413 and Mar 1415/16;

Thomas Rempston was recorded as "Elected twice as MP for Nottinghamshire"

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man Benjamin Lee‏‎ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Son of Unknown and N.N.‏.
Born ‎1746 Leeds, Yorkshire, England‎ 7)
Died ‎29 Aug 1795 Great Woodhouse, Leeds, Yorkshire, England‎, 48 or 49 years 8) 7) 9)
Buried ‎1 Sep 1795 St John the Evangelist, Leeds, Yorkshire, England of Woodhouse 8) 7)
Occupation: ‎1795 The Pack-Horse, Woodhouse, Leeds, Yorkshire, England; Inn keeper 10) 11) 9)
Residence: ‎between 1772 and 1795 Woodhouse, Leeds, Yorkshire, England 12) 13) 14) 15) 6)

Will signed: ‎Dec 1795 Woodhouse, Leeds, Yorkshire, England 11)

Notes: There are, at a minimum, two Benjamin Lee, residents of Leeds living at similar time. This Benjamin Lee; of Woodhouse, and Benjamin Lee of Briggate. They are not the same individual as their are unique marriage records and conflicting children baptism records. Additionally a Mr Benjamin Lee lived in High Town in Leeds through the second half of the 18th century who may or may not be one of these two individuals.

Per the Leeds Intelligencer, Benjaimn Lee "Sold 25 messuages in Woodhouse and also four other Closes near thereto in the Possession of Benjamin Lee and others" in 1777. The remainder of his estates were sold in 1799 after his death.

John, Woodhouse, 1772
Roger, Woodhouse, 1776
Elisabeth, Woodhouse, 1777
Edmund, Quarry Hill, 1780
Elizabeth, Quarry Hill, 1783
Joshua, Woodhouse, 1786
Sarah, Woodhouse, 1788

Mentions of a Benjamin Lee in Quarter session records for Leeds from 1747-1790 include:
Benjamin Lee may have been Surveyor of the Highways for the Upper Division of the township of Leeds in 1747.
Appointed Overseer for the Poor for the Upper Division in 1749
Assaulted in 1760 by Barker Bolton
Fined for trespass in 1763
Yeoman, found guilty of theft in 1764
Yeoman, found guilty of theft in 1767
Admitted to trespass in 1767
1786 was victim of wrongs by Daniel Henry Shaw

The Benjamin Lee baptised to Benjamin Lee in 1753 is almost certainly not this Benjamin Lee as there is a corresponding burial record in 1756 for a Benjamin Lee son of Benjamin Lee.

This Benjamin Lee probably married Betty Peel in Leeds in 1771 but there is some uncertainty given there is a second marriage between a Benjamin Lee and Elizabeth Ogden which cannot be definitively discounted.

Married/ Related

woman Elizabeth Unknown‏‎

Occupation: ‎between 1797 and 1798 The Pack-Horse, Woodhouse, Leeds, Yorkshire, England; Inn Keeper 16) 17)

Notes: Elizabeth is likely to be Betty Peel. She may also be Elizabeth Ogden. Both individuals marry a Benjamin Lee in Leeds within three years of each other. Which fits here depends on whether there are two Benjamin Lee or one who marries twice.


man John Lee‏‎
Born ‎15 Feb 1772 Woodhouse (near Leeds), Yorkshire, England‎ 18)
Baptised ‎14 Mar 1772 Leeds, Yorkshire, England 18)
Died ‎1834 Clapham, Surrey, England‎, 61 or 62 years 19)
Will signed: ‎8 Jan 1834 19)

Notes: John's will states he had only the one brother in 1834 - Roger Lee. Relatives named include:
Nephew Charles Lee
Niece Mary Ann Lee
Brother Roger Lee Esq
man Roger Lee‏ 20) 21) 22) 23) 19)
Born ‎29 Feb 1776 / ± 1776 Woodhouse (near Leeds), Yorkshire, England / Southwark, Surrey, England‎ 5) 24) 6) 25) 26)
Baptised ‎5 Apr 1776 St Peter's, Leeds, Yorkshire, England 5) 6)
Died ‎7 Mar 1855 Lambeth, Surrey, England Of Clapham.24) 27) 28)
Buried ‎13 Mar 1855 Norwood Cemetery, Norwood Road, Lambeth, Surrey, England 24)
Occupations: ‎1810 227 High Street, St George, Southwark, Surrey, England; Hop Merchant / Hop and Seed Factor - in partnership with Joshua Lee 29) 30), ‎between 1806 and 1814; Hop Factor 31) 32) 33), ‎1819; Overseer of the Surrey Highways 34), ‎between 1820 and 1823; Esquire 35) 36) 37) 38), ‎between 1826 and 1830; Treasurer to the Minister: Clapham Congregational Church 39), ‎1851; Gentleman 25), ‎between 22 Dec 1838 and 1855; Magistrate 40) 41)
Residences: ‎between 1806 and 1814 High Street, St George, Southwark, Surrey, England 31) 32) 33), ‎between 1808 and 1819 Clapham Common, Clapham, Surrey, England 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60), ‎between 1820 and 1831 Battersea, Surrey, England 35) 36) 61) 37) 38) 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 73), ‎between 1819 and 1855 Springwell House, Clapham Common, Surrey, England 26) 25) 74) 75) 76) 77) 77) 77) 41)

Property: Eligible to vote in Buckinghamshire elections - voted for Smith and Dashwood ‎1832 77)
Property: Owner of freehold land and house in Coleshill, Buckinghamshire, called Luckins ‎1837 77)
Property: Owner of freehold house, 6 Clement's Lane, in the parish of St Edmund the King and Martyr, Lombard-Street ‎1838 77)
Property: Proprietor of Warehouse and Houses ‎between 1848 and 1851 High Street, St George the Martyr, Southwark, Surrey, England 78) 79) 80) 81)
Religion: Member of Clapham Congregational Church ‎between 1801 and 1855 Clapham, Surrey, England 82) 83) 75) 23)
Will signed: ‎4 Apr 1855 Clapham, Surrey, England 28)
Property: Proprietor of Warehouse, Stabling, Chapel and House ‎between 1826 and 1857 Union Street, St George the Martyr Southwark, London, England 84) 85) 86) 87) 88) 89) 90) 91) 92) 78) 79) 80) 81) 93) 94) 95) 96) 97)

Notes: Following painstaking research, it is very likely Roger was born in Leeds, at Woodhouse Manor, to Benjamin and Elizabeth Lee. In 1799 Woodhouse Manor was put for sale and it seems the family left Leeds for good. In London, Roger took various jobs including hop factor, "then jointly in business with a relation, Joshua, in the Borough High Street district of Southwark, the centre of London’s hop trade" before subsequently he focused on a variety of business activities. See "Benjamin Lee" for fuller evidence on Roger's ancestry.

Albert Lee Overbury's baptismal records mention that Roger Lee was a Gentleman of Clapham who employed at least one servant; the census confirms this: he employed a governess, a butler, a footman, a cook and two house servants.
In 1846, Lee was involved in legal wranglings with his wife's first husband's family. Various properties and lands were entrusted to her for her natural life. Following Roger's marriage to "Ann Harding, in the month of April, 1807... the said defendant Roger Lee... became and was, in right of his said wife, seised of, or entitled to, the said freehold and copyhold estates for and during the term of their joint lives, and that the trust and condition annexed to her estate as aforesaid thenceforth attached to or upon the said Roger Lee in respect of the said estates, and he became bound by the like implied promise or undertaking as aforesaid, and that he had recognised his liability. Following her death, Kingham argued that Roger Lee allowed those "buildings to become dilapidated... [and] also committed actual waste, by felling timber and selling it, by means of which permission and voluntary waste the estate was much deteriorated in value." Roger had owned that land since at least 1832 where he was described in electoral register for Tring as: "Resident of Clapton Common, owner of copyhold land in Tring".

Sometime before 1833, Roger Lee travelled round Europe with John Wade: "When travelling on the Continent you cannot have forgotten that we arrived at one general, though, perhaps, partial conclusion, namely, that in the command of the substantial elements of national happiness, in the accumulation of wealth, in the diffusion of intelligence, in moral feeling, and in the enjoyment of civil freedom, our own country might justly claim precedency over any European community." (History of Middle and Working Classes, John Wade, 1833).

Roger Lee lived at Springwell House, 80 Clapham Common North Side, from 1819 to his death:

"Two older dwellings on the site were pulled down to make way for it. Like other houses near by, it took its name from the springs or wells in the vicinity. (A well was rediscovered in the front garden of Springwell House in 1919.) Barring some prominent Victorian alterations to its main front, the house is characteristic of its era-squareish in plan, faced in stock brick with gauged brick window arches (at the sides and rear) and a double gambrel roof (Ill. 13.8). The ground floor arrangement, with a Doric entrance porch in the east flank wall leading directly into a staircase hall, enabled two interconnecting drawing rooms to command the main front, facing the common. At the rear were a library and dining room, and upstairs were four main bedchambers. The curved stairwell, with statuary niches, and an elegant scrolled iron balustrade are among several surviving original features. As well as a detached stable and coach-house, the house also had largegrounds, with a greenhouse, vinery, flower and kitchen gardens." (Survey of London, English Heritage, 2013, https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/architecture/sites/bartlett/files/50.13_clapham_common_to_lavender_hill.pdf)

Roger Lee had a significant library - which he notes in his will. A significant volume of books with his booksplates have survived. Roger Lee was friends with Francis Collins. From a book in his library:
"The inner front cover has the bookplate of a Roger Lee, and Roger Lee has written on the top of the half-title page: "This author was a very Pious / man, gone to a better world / some years ago - I knew him / well ? ? ? " / Roger Lee".
woman Elizabeth Lee‏‎
Born ‎2 Dec 1777 Woodhouse (near Leeds), Yorkshire, England‎ 98)
Baptised ‎28 Dec 1777 Leeds, Yorkshire, England 98)
Died ‎between 1778 and 1783‎, 5 or 6 years
man Edmund Lee‏‎
Born ‎24 Nov 1780 Quarry Hill, Yorkshire, England‎ 99)
Baptised ‎10 Dec 1780 Leeds, Yorkshire, England 99)
Died ‎± 1781 Not mentioned as a son of Benjamin in John Lee's will.‎, approximately 1 years
woman Elizabeth Lee‏‎
Born ‎23 Aug 1783 Quarry Hill, Yorkshire, England‎ 100)
Baptised ‎21 Sep 1783 Leeds, St Peter, Yorkshire, England 100)
Died ‎1859 Buried in Woodhouse cemetery, Leeds‎, 75 or 76 years

Notes: Wife of William Hargrave of Leeds - tobacconist.
man Joshua Lee‏‎
Born ‎27 Mar 1786 Woodhouse (near Leeds), Yorkshire, England‎ 101)
Baptised ‎16 Apr 1786 Leeds, Yorkshire, England 101)
Died ‎1788‎, 1 or 2 years 102)
Buried ‎19 Feb 1788 Leeds, Yorkshire, England 102)
woman Sarah Lee‏
Born ‎1788 Woodhouse (near Leeds), Yorkshire, England‎ 103)
Baptised ‎7 Sep 1788 Leeds, Yorkshire, England 103)
Died ‎1847‎, 58 or 59 years


1) Source: Leeds Intelligencer "Great-Woodhouse, near Leeds.To be SOLD, by Private Contract,All that Valuable, Improveable FREEHOLD ESTATE situated at Woodhouse-Moor, in the Parish of Leeds, and County of York, consisting of that Old and Well established PUBLIC-HOUSE, adjoining to the Turnpike-Road from Leeds to Otley, known by the sign of the PACK-HORSE, with a Barn and Stable thereto belonging and adjoining, formerly occupied by Mr. Benjamin Lee, deceased, and now in the possession of Mr. Joseph Durrans; with Twenty-eight Cottages, Two Stables, and other Outbuildings thereto adjoining, occupied by sundry Tenants.The whole are only rented from Year to Year, and the Tenants regularly pay their respective Rents (which are very low) every Half Year.The Premises are all Freehold, and entitled to Common Right upon Woodhouse Moor; which, from lying contiguous thereto, make this a very desirable Purchase.N.B. If the above Premises are not sold by Private Contract in a few Weeks, the same will be exposed to Sale by Public Auction.The respective Tenants will shew the premises; and further Particulars may be had by applying to William Hargrave, Tobacconist, in the Market-Place, Leeds; or Mr. John Lee, No. 223, Borough, London." Connects Benjamin Lee to his siblings John Lee and Elizabeth Lee and provides an unquestionable link between the Lees of 223 Borough and the Lees of Woodhouse Yorkshire. Reference: Monday 09 December 1799, Page 4 of 4 (Data from secondary evidence)
2) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Elizabeth Lee Connects Joshua Lee, Benjamin's brother, to Leeds through his sister Elizabeth (of Leeds) and her husband, William Hargrave (tobaconnist of Leeds). Reference: Database online. (Questionable reliability of evidence)
3) Source: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Will of Joshua Lee, Merchant of Southwark , SurreyDate: 8 May 1815 Identifies Joshua Lee as uncle of Roger Lee and identifies his sister Elizabeth Lee, wife of William Hargrave. Reference: PROB 11/1568/85 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
4) Source: Wills proved at Exchequer and Prerogative Court of York Proves Benjamin Lee has a brother, Joshua Lee, hop merchant of Southwark. Also proves that Benjamin Lee has children. Given Joshua Lee of Southwark is Roger's uncle, this provides convincing supporting evidence for Benjamin being Roger's father.. Reference: Probate File for Benjamin Lee of Leeds proved December 1795 (Data from secondary evidence)
5) Source: Yorkshire, Bishop's Transcripts Roger Lee born to Benjamin Lee, at Woodhouse, Mar Feb 29 1776. Baptised 5 April. Reference: Leeds (St Peters), Yorkshire West Riding (Data from direct source)
6) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Roger Lee born to Benjamin Lee, at Woodhouse, Mar Feb 29 1776. Baptised 5 April. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
7) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Benjamin Lee. Reference: Leeds, St John the Evangelis (Data from direct source)
8) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Benjamin Lee. Reference: Leeds, St Peter (Data from secondary evidence)
9) Source: Leeds Intelligencer "On Saturday last died Mr. Benj. Lee of the Pack Horse Inn at Wood"Dated: Monday 31 August 1795. Reference: Leeds, August 31 1795 issue (Data from direct source)
10) Source: Leeds Intelligencer "Great-Woodhouse, near Leeds.To be SOLD, by Private Contract,All that Valuable, Improveable FREEHOLD ESTATE situated at Woodhouse-Moor, in the Parish of Leeds, and County of York, consisting of that Old and Well established PUBLIC-HOUSE, adjoining to the Turnpike-Road from Leeds to Otley, known by the sign of the PACK-HORSE, with a Barn and Stable thereto belonging and adjoining, formerly occupied by Mr. Benjamin Lee, deceased, and now in the possession of Mr. Joseph Durrans; with Twenty-eight Cottages, Two Stables, and other Outbuildings thereto adjoining, occupied by sundry Tenants.The whole are only rented from Year to Year, and the Tenants regularly pay their respective Rents (which are very low) every Half Year.The Premises are all Freehold, and entitled to Common Right upon Woodhouse Moor; which, from lying contiguous thereto, make this a very desirable Purchase.N.B. If the above Premises are not sold by Private Contract in a few Weeks, the same will be exposed to Sale by Public Auction.The respective Tenants will shew the premises; and further Particulars may be had by applying to William Hargrave, Tobacconist, in the Market-Place, Leeds; or Mr. John Lee, No. 223, Borough, London.". Reference: Monday 09 December 1799, Page 4 of 4 (Data from direct source)
11) Source: Wills proved at Exchequer and Prerogative Court of York. Reference: Probate File for Benjamin Lee of Leeds proved December 1795 (Data from direct source)
12) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for John Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
13) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Elisabeth Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
14) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Joshua Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
15) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Sarah Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
16) Source: U.K. and U.S. Directories, 1680-1830 Listed in A History of ... Leeds. Compiled from Various Authors. To which are added a History of Kirkstall Abbey & a Leeds Directory., 1797, [WRIGHT, Griffith]. LeedsPrinted & Sold by all the Booksellers.. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
17) Source: U.K. and U.S. Directories, 1680-1830 Listed in The Leeds Directory for 1798, 1798, [WRIGHT, Griffith]. Leeds. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
18) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for John Lee. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2256&h=10069339&indiv=try. Reference: West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records (Data from direct source)
19) Source: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Record for John Esq Lee. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=5111&h=518023&indiv=try. Reference: The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 1826 (Data from secondary evidence)
20) Source: General Register Office: Birth Certificates from the Presbyterian, Independent and Baptist Registry and from the Wesleyan Methodist Metropolitan Registry Record for Albert Lee Overbury. Reference: RG 5/134 (Data from direct source)
21) Source: General Register Office: Birth Certificates from the Presbyterian, Independent and Baptist Registry and from the Wesleyan Methodist Metropolitan Registry Record for Mary Ann Lee. Reference: RG 5/46 (Data from direct source)
22) Source: General Register Office: Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths surrendered to the Non-parochial Registers Commissions of 1837 and 1857 Record for Mary Ann Lee. Reference: RG 4/4661 (Data from direct source)
23) Source: Clapham Congregational Church: Administrative and membership records, property correspondence Roger Lee, listed as subscribed in 1840. The list of names is preceded by an interesting account of the issues involved with financing a Minister and church and the importance of funding for spreading God's word.Though authorship of the opening text is uncertain. I would suggest it was written by Roger as he signs his name first and the writing style is the same as his.Interestingly, John Overbury, his son-in-law is also recorded as a subscriber.. Reference: ACC/2854/041 : Church meeting subscriptions, 1840 (Unreliable evidence or estimated data)
24) Source: London, England, Church of England Deaths and Burials, 1813-1980 Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
25) Source: 1851 England Census Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Database online. Class: HO107; Piece: 1577; Folio: 159; Page: 6; GSU roll: 174813. (Data from direct source)
26) Source: 1841 England Census Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Database online. Class: HO107; Piece 1046; Book: 3; Civil Parish: Battersea; County: Surrey; Enumeration District: 8; Folio: 52; Page: 5; Line: 8; GSU roll: 474648. (Data from direct source)
27) Source: England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-1915 Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
28) Source: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Record for Roger Esquire Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=5111&h=569560&indiv=try. Reference: The National Archives; Kew, England; Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 2210 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
29) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::90045. Reference: QS3/10A/7; Southwark, St George; 1810 (Data from direct source)
30) Source: London, England, City Directories, 1736-1943 Record for Joshua & Roger Lee - 1810 directory. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61265&h=18902338&indiv=try. Reference: London Metropolitan Archives; London, England; London City Directories (Data from direct source)
31) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::139476. Reference: QS3/10A/6; Southwark, St Goerge; 1806 (Data from direct source)
32) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::143429. Reference: QS3/10A/6; Southwark, St George; 1807 (Data from direct source)
33) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::37558. Reference: QS3/10A/8; Southwark, St George; 1814 (Data from direct source)
34) Source: Landmark Image Collection "Springwell House, No 80 North Side, was built for Roger Lee in 1819, the overseer of the Surrey Highways and was probably named after the well on Clapham Common. The additional ornamental stonework to the original brick villa was added by John Bowman, who lived here from1859 to 1875. It has a distinctive side entrance portico and a coach house which was used as an open-air school for children suffering from tuberculosis between 1919 and 1939. Now a gradeII listed building it is Parkgate House School.". External Link
http://landmark.lambeth.gov.uk/display_page.asp?section=landmark&id=5068. Reference: Springwell House; c1860 (Data from secondary evidence)
35) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee Esq. External Link
1,4833::157255. Reference: QS3/10A/9; Battersea; 1820 (Data from direct source)
36) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee Esq. External Link
1,4833::166706. Reference: QS3/10A/9; Battersea; 1821 (Data from direct source)
37) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::161660. Reference: QS3/10A/9; Battersea; 1823 (Data from direct source)
38) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee Esq. External Link
1,4833::150915. Reference: QS3/10A/9; Battersea; 1824 (Data from direct source)
39) Source: Clapham Congregational Church: Administrative and membership records, property correspondence Details of Roger's work for the church from 1826-1830. Including list of documents at front, 1826; note of collections for various charities, at back, 1826 - 1833; and a note of sherry bottles donated by Roger. Reference: ACC/2854/043 : Roger Lee's cashbook, 1826-1833 (Data from direct source)
40) Source: Reading Mercury. Reference: Reading Mercury - Saturday 22 December 1838 (Data from secondary evidence)
41) Source: London, England, City Directories, 1736-1943 Record for Roger Lee - Magistrates of the County, 1855. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61265&h=10698945&indiv=try. Reference: London Metropolitan Archives; London, England; London City Directories (Data from direct source)
42) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::57159. Reference: QS3/10A/8; Clapham; 1815 (Data from direct source)
43) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::51638. Reference: QS3/10A/8; Clapham, Clapham Common; 1816 (Data from direct source)
44) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::38183. Reference: QS3/10A/8; Clapham, Clapham Common; 1817 (Data from direct source)
45) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::47253. Reference: QS3/10A/8; Clapham, Clapham Common; 1818 (Data from direct source)
46) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
1,4833::42331. Reference: QS3/10A/8; Clapham, Clapham Common; 1819 (Data from direct source)
47) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for R Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1557918&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
48) Source: London and Country Directory, 1811 Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
49) Source: Clapham Census Returns, 1801-1821 R Lee recorded as master of a household with 3 males and 6 females. Reference: 1811 census return (Data from direct source)
50) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for R Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1553243&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
51) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1558418&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
52) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1553574&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
53) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1558820&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
54) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1560840&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
55) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1561258&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
56) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1642151&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
57) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1559212&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
58) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1561660&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
59) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1562219&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
60) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1560236&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
61) Source: Surrey, England, Jury-Qualified Freeholders and Copyholders, 1696-1824 Record for Roger Lee Esquire. External Link
1,4833::173925. Reference: QS3/10A/9; Battersea; 1822 (Data from direct source)
62) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1110877&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
63) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1111163&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
64) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1115801&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
65) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Rager Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1120602&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
66) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1117021&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
67) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1122158&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
68) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1117313&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
69) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1122488&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
70) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Reger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1122816&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
71) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roge Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1119314&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
72) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1119765&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
73) Source: Surrey, England, Land Tax Records, 1780-1832 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4792&h=1114375&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
74) Source: U.K., City and County Directories, 1600s-1900s Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
75) Source: Clapham Congregational Church: Administrative and membership records, property correspondence Church accounts for years 1832-1835 list Roger's subscription fees and show him as resident of The Common, Clapham. Reference: ACC/2854/044 : Accounts, 1832-1835 (Data from secondary evidence)
76) Source: UK, Poll Books and Electoral Registers, 1538-1893 Record for Roger Lee, Esq.. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
77) Source: UK, Poll Books and Electoral Registers, 1538-1893 Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
78) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for J Lee. Reference: LT92/01/034 (Data from direct source)
79) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Roger Lee Esquire. Reference: LT92/01/035 (Data from direct source)
80) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
81) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Roger Lee Esqr. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
82) Source: Clapham Congregational Church: Administrative and membership records, property correspondence Mr R Lee listed as subscriber from 1801-1821. Reference: ACC/2854/040 : Church Meeting Subscription Book, 1798-1821 (Data from direct source)
83) Source: Clapham Congregational Church: Administrative and membership records, property correspondence Various transactions relating to Roger Lee throughout the years 1821-1855. Reference: ACC/2854/042 : Cash Book, 1821-1873 (Data from direct source)
84) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Lee. Reference: LT92/01/022 (Data from direct source)
85) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Lee. Reference: LT92/01/023 (Data from direct source)
86) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Lee. Reference: LT92/01/024 (Data from direct source)
87) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Lee. Reference: LT92/01/025 (Data from direct source)
88) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Lee. Reference: LT92/01/026 (Data from direct source)
89) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Lee. Reference: LT92/01/027 (Data from direct source)
90) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Lee. Reference: LT92/01/028 (Data from direct source)
91) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Lee. Reference: LT92/01/032 (Data from direct source)
92) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Parishes of St. Saviour, St. George the Martyr, East, West, North and South Divisions, St. Olave, Waterside and First and Second Landside Divisions, St. John, First to Fourth Divisions, St. Thomas: Land tax assessment LT92/01/033 (Data from direct source)
93) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Roger Lee Esquire. Reference: LT92/01/038 (Data from direct source)
94) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Roger Lee. Reference: Parishes of St. George the Martyr, East, West, North and South Divisions, St. Olave, Waterside and First and Second Landside Divisions, St. John, St. Saviour, St. Thomas Divisions: Land tax assessment LT92/01/039 (Data from direct source)
95) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Roger Lee Esqr. Reference: LT92/01/040 (Data from direct source)
96) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Roger Lee Esquire. Reference: LT92/01/041 (Data from direct source)
97) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Roger Lee. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2170&h=23239492&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
98) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Elisabeth Lee. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2256&h=10079969&indiv=try. Reference: West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records (Data from direct source)
99) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Edmund Lee. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2256&h=10084222&indiv=try. Reference: West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records (Data from direct source)
100) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Elisabeth Lee. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2256&h=10088369&indiv=try. Reference: West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records
101) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Joshua Lee. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2256&h=10093459&indiv=try. Reference: West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records (Data from direct source)
102) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Joshua Lee. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2256&h=9138032&indiv=try. Reference: West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; New Reference Number: RDP68/9/5 (Data from direct source)
103) Source: West Yorkshire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812 Record for Sarah Lee. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2256&h=10075768&indiv=try. Reference: West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records (Data from direct source)