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‎8 Apr 1413;

Thomas Rempston was recorded as "Knight"

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man Joseph Overbury‏‎ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
Born ‎± 1780 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England He was non-conformist, therefore he does not appear in the Tetbury Baptisms.8) 9)
Baptised ‎13 Apr 1829 Westbury, Wiltshire, England "On Saturday, April 13, 1829, Joseph Overbury, Esq. of Highbury Park, London, was baptized by immersion in the parish church of Westbury, Wilts, by the Revd. J. Hooper, curate. A large wooden vessel, prepared for the occasion, was placed in the chancel, into which the candidate descended by means of steps. After the service appointed by the church had been read, on entering the water, the reverend gentleman poured water on the head of the candidate, after which his whole body was immersed, and on rising from the water, he received the sign of the cross, agreeable to the ceremonies of the church of which he now became a member. The minister and candidate then returned to the altar and offered the remaining prayers, &c. for the occasion, which closed the service, it having occupied about twenty minutes." 10)
Died ‎7 Oct 1844 Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England‎, approximately 64 years 11) 12) 13) 8)
Buried ‎12 Oct 1844 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England 8)
Occupations: ‎1818 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England; Bailiff of the town of Tetbury 14), ‎1836 Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England; Justice of the Peace 15), ‎between 28 Jun 1831 and 24 Oct 1844 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England; Feoffee of the town of Tetbury 16)
Residences: ‎15 Feb 1807 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England 17), ‎between 1841 and 1843 10 Pittville Parade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England 9) 18) 2) 19), ‎1833 Cateaton St, London, England 20), ‎1811 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England 21), ‎1831 The Green, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England 22) 2), ‎1832 Mecklenburgh Square, London, England 2), ‎between 1811 and 1824 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England, Additional examples of Joseph Overbury on Land Tax extant. 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41), ‎1823 52 Doughty Street, London, England 42)

Military service: Lieutenant and subsequently Captain of the Tetbury Volunteers ‎between 1802 and 1805 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England 43)
Legal: Complex legal case between Joseph and all his siblings and the grandchild of Anthony Roper regarding Anthony Roper's will. ‎1815 London, England 44)
Will signed: ‎2 Nov 1844 London, England 45)
Will signed: ‎6 Feb 1895 London, England 13)

Notes: Joseph Overbury was born around 1780 in Tetbury to Nathaniel Overbury, a prominent baptist, and his wife Mary Roper. (note: i) Little more is known about his early years but his life can be traced with interesting detail from approximately his sixteenth year.

On the 24th March 1804 the London Gazette states that Joseph Overbury of the Tetbury Volunteers" was promoted to Captain of the Tetbury Volunteers. (note: ii) The Tetbury Volunteers was a volunteer, militia company composed of individuals from Tetbury formed in about 1798. Joseph Overbury had been a member since at least 1802 having served as a lieutenant. The reason for his promotion is unknown but it occurred at a time when the Volunteers were increasing dramatically in numbers. One company turned into five within seven years! The militia at that time was headed by Lieut. Col. Thomas Saunders. (note: iii) Interestingly, Joseph was the only member of his family to be involved with the militia and there is little evidence that he was ever involved before his role in the Volunteers.

As captain, he led the Third Company of the Tetbury volunteers until the beginning of 1806 when his name no longer appears on the annual pay lists and returns. Pay as Captain was relatively good considering the limited number of days. Between the 27 January and the 16 June 1805, Joseph was entitled to twenty-one days pay which amounted to £9.17.9 at a raid of nine shilling, five pence. Almost double what the second highest paid individual earned: John Davies at a rate of five shilling, eight pence and over nine times the pay of privates. Throughout this period, "Captain Overbury's Company of the Tetbury Volunteer Infantry...were on permanent Duty at Monmouth". In the May 1805, the Tetbury Volunteers merged with the Horsley volunteers to form the "Horsley and Tetbury Corps of Volunteer Infantry". From the 27 May 1805 to 16 June 1805, Joseph and the rest of the united were billed in Monmouth, once more. To get to Monmouth they would march from Tetbury to Newnham before then marching from Newnham to Monmouth, a trip of 33 miles each way. In the twenty day period the march, there and back, was repeated three times!

In 1805, he, and his brother William (bought two copies), both of Tetbury, suscribed to "The History of the town of Malmesbury and of its Ancient Abbey". (note: iv) In 1806, after the death of his father, he and his brother Anthony Overbury initially continued in the family trade as woolstaplers. However, on the 11th May 1806 they dissolved their partnership as recorded in the London Gazette for the 3rd June 1806: (note: v)

"The partnership lately existing between us, Anthony Overbury and Joseph Overbury, both of Tetbury, in the County of Gloucester, Woolstaplers, under the firm of Nathaniel Overbury and Son, was dissolved the 11th of May 1806 part by mutual consent: As witness our hands,
Anthony Overbury
Joseph Overbury"

This dissolution was symptomatic of the decline in importance in the wool trade in Tetbury; in 1790 over 150 people were employed in the trade but there remained only 3 people employed in 1813 and by the middle of the century, the wool and cloth trade had disappeared completely. (note: vi) After this time Joseph would work as a "Spanish wool merchant", buying and selling cheaper foreign wool. (note: vii) His work would force him to relocate to London; he may even, for a time, lived with his son, John, at Doughty Street. (note: viii) In London he would work as a Blackwell Hall factor. Factors would be responsible for the buying and selling of cloth and wool; they would supply raw materials to clothiers and provide them credit facilities. At this time, the number of factors was extremely small since it required considerable capital. Interesting records of his business survive including insurance contracts with The Sun Fire Office. He, and his business partner, William Cartwright, sought insurance for their business (situated at 32 and 33 Cateaton Street), in 1820, 1821, 1822 and 1826. (note: ix) Joseph also held property on Doughty Street in 1823. This business was very much a family affair; it had been going since the start of the nineteenth century, run by Joseph's older brothers William, in partnership with William Cartwright and Septimas Wellington. James Silvester, was found guilty of theft of "a piece of woollen-cloth, value 12 l. the property of Septimas Wallington, William Overbury, and William Cartwright" in 1815. (note: x) His brother Benjamin was also involved though his business was separate. By 1831, however, even wealthy Blackwell Hall factors were no longer immune from Britain's declining role in the wool trade. The family partnership and Benjamin Overbury's business were forced to file for bankruptcy: "Wallington, Overbury and Carter, Cateaton-street, wholesale woollen-drapers and Blackwell-hall factors - joint estate, and separate estate of B. Overbury". (note: xi) It seems that only Benjamin's business was actually declared bankrupt but, either way, Joseph and the Overbury family would no longer remain in the wool trade; their partnership was dissolved. (note: xii) The family would not yet withdraw entirely from the woollen industry, however. Joseph’s sons Nathaniel and John would try to operate as Blackwell Hall factors and woollen merchants as late as the 1850s. Their generation would, however, be the last to work in the wool trade ending a three hundred year Overbury tradition.

It was around this time we also start to see evidence of Joseph's non-conformist religious beliefs. In 1823 he subscribed to "A Course of Lectures, illustrative of the Pilgrim's Progress: delivered at the Tabernacle, Haverfordwest". (note: xiii) Though weak evidence, it seems certain Joseph was non-conformist. His grandfather had been a Baptist minister, his father made considerable donations to the Baptist church in his will and Joseph also would make donations to the Baptist church. His son would also profess non-conformism. Joseph married Elizabeth Pike in 1807 at Hankerton, Wiltshire. (note: xiv) It seems probable they knew each other due to their Baptist faith. Hankerton, like Tetbury had an active Baptist community and both Joseph's father (Nathaniel) and his children would marry into prominent Baptist families. His son John would marry Mary Ann Lee, daughter of Roger Lee, insurance broker of Clapham Common and founder of international several Baptist organisations.

Around the age of forty, no longer working in the wool trade, Joseph turned to other interests. On the 28th June 1831, Joseph Overbury was appointed feoffee of Tetbury, which he would remain until his death. (note: xv) In 1818 he had previously been appointed bailiff. (note: xvi) It could be argued that by this time these positions were already becoming ceremonial but the minutes and surviving records suggest they were still time consuming and non-financially rewarding.

In 1836 we get the clearest evidence of Joseph's financial independence, and also strict religious upbringing, when he swore the oath to become Justice of the Peace. (note: xvii) His financial independence was obvious; he now had considerable properties in Cheltenham and Tetbury and the position of JP was uncompensated. Joseph would become involved in a notorious case, dubbed the 'Last Trial by Jury for Atheism in England' where he would controversially argue unequivocally that to spread any form of anti-religious view was equal to a breach of the peace. (note: xviii)

"On the morning after my apprehension I was taken before the Rev. Dr. Newell, R. Capper, and J. Overbury, Esquires, magistrates of Cheltenham....Mr. Overbury said he considered the case satisfactorily proved, and added, 'Whether you are of no religion is of very little consequence to us, but your attempt to propagate the infamous sentiment that there is no God, is calculated to produce disorder and confusion, and is a breach of the peace.' This was the remark of an ill-informed politician rather than of a Christian."

The decision would be overturned two decades later and, most tellingly, the judge would describe Joseph's conduct as "unnecessarily harsh". I would suggest that Joseph's decision in fact highlighted the importance of religion in the Overbury household. Religious instruction and faith must have been central to Joseph's upbringing and this context will obviously have affected Joseph's perceptions during the case. In 1838 he was secretary for the "British and Foreign Bible Society", of Cheltenham, according to their 38th annual report.

Religion was not his sole interest, however. He would endeavour to invest his resources, particularly in education and the new railroads. On 7th March 1837 Joseph Overbury Esquire purchased a total of 15 shares worth £750 in the new "Grand Connection (or Worcester and Wolverhampton) Railway" and 30 shares at £1500 in the "London and Blackwall Railway and Steam Navigation Company". (note: xix) These investments were considerable; with equivalent spending power to over £110,000 now. (note: xx) Moreover, these investments were considerably risky suggesting he could afford to lose such sums. This abundance of cash, however, is typical of the period. Britain still possessed a first-mover advantage internationally and was leading the way in producing first industrial revolution goods. Moreover, foreign investments were starting to provide promising returns: real returns on capital in 1840s Britain were greater than at any point previously. (note: xxi) According to "Statutes at Large" Joseph Overbury was "land tax commisioner" for Cheltenham in 1838. 1833, he had moved into 10 Pittville Parade, Cheltenham. (note: xxii, xxiii) Pittville parade (on Evesham Road) was an extremely exclusive, brand new development of luxury homes. The houses still exist, though now generally converted to hotels and apartments. The house would later be owned by senior branches of the Fox and Marling families who were related through marriage. It seems probable that Joseph was in some way involved with the design as was the case with most other houses in the area.

The simple statement recording his death in the 1844 Gentleman's magazine would reveal little of his huge achievements during his lifetime.

"Oct 7. At Cheltenham, aged 64, Joseph Overbury, esq. a Magistrate of the county."

He would be buried in Tetbury, with his wife. His will, running to a lengthy five pages, would make considerable bequests to his family and friends (most of which were to be specifically invested to provide annuities) including over £20,000 to his children, £3000 to all living grandchildren. Interestingly, he made no bequest to his church or the poor. (note: xxiiii)


i The lack of a specific date is due to Tetbury Baptist chapel's early records not surviving. Approximate date is from: 'England Census', ('Class: HO107; Piece 353; Book: 7; Civil Parish: Cheltenham; County: Gloucestershire; Enumeration District: 13; Folio: 13; Page: 20; Line: 11; GSU roll: 288767', 1841).
ii London Gazette, (Issue number: 15686, 24 Mar 1804).
iii Information on Tetbury Volunteers, particularly pay lists, obtained from WO 13/4351 and WO 13/4352.
iv J. Moffatt, ' The history of the town of Malmesbury, and of its ancient abbey ...: together with memoirs of eminent natives ... to which is added, an appendix', (J.G. Goodwyn, 1805).
v London Gazette, (Issue number: 18667, 26 Mar 1830).
vi http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=19144
vii 'Overbury v Roper: Two bills and answer', The National Archives (C 13/1680/8, 1816).
viii Family papers: "visited Joseph Overbury at Doughty Street". Cited as, 'an extract from diary in the possession of Mr Oswald Overbury, Paris'.
ix Guildhall Library, (MS 11936/486/968446, 12 June 1820), (MS 11936/486/972788, 2 November 1820), (MS 11936/492/987334, 19 December 1821), (MS 11936/490/999332, 18 December 1822), (MS 11936/505/1053112, 8 November 1826).
x Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 'James Silvester: Theft, grand larceny', (http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?id=t18150215-41&div=t18150215-41, 15th February 1815).
xi 'The Law Advertiser, Volume 8', (J.W. Paget, 1830), p. 482.
xii Ibid, p. 266.
xiii D. Warr, 'A course of lectures: illustrative of the Pilgrim's Progress, delivered at the tabernacle, Haverfordwest', (R. Baynes, 1823).
xiv Elizabeth was daughter of Thomas Pike and Sarah White, both of wealthy mercer families.
xv A. Lee, 'The history of the town and parish of Tetbury, in the county of Gloucester' (J. Henry & J. Parker, 1857).
xvi Ibid.
xvii 'Oaths of Justices of the Peace', The National Archives (C 202/226/5, 1836).
xviii G. Holyoake, 'The history of the last trial by jury for atheism in England', (J. Watson, 1850).
xix Parliament, 'House of Commons papers, Volume 48', (HMSO, 1837).
xx The National Archives currency converter, (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/currency/: accessed 31/07/2011).
xxi E. Hobsbawm, 'Industry and Empire', (Pelican, 1968).
xxii 'England Census', ('Class: HO107; Piece 353; Book: 7; Civil Parish: Cheltenham; County: Gloucestershire; Enumeration District: 13; Folio: 13; Page: 20; Line: 11; GSU roll: 288767', 1841).
xxiii '10 Pittville Parade', Gloucestershire Archives, (D2172/2/14, 1833-1895).
xxiii 'Will of Joseph Overbury of Cheltenham', The National Archives (PROB 11/2007, 1844).

Married ‎15 Feb 1807 Hankerton, Wiltshire, England 46) 47) 17) (25 years married)

woman Elizabeth Pike‏‎ 1) 48) 3) 5) 6)
Born ‎± 1782 Hankerton, Wiltshire, England‎ 49) 50)
Died ‎25 Sep 1832 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England‎, approximately 50 years 49) 51) 50)
Buried ‎1 Oct 1832 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England Age: 50. Died of apoplexy 50)
Residences: ‎15 Feb 1807 Hankerton, Wiltshire, England 17), ‎between 1808 and 1832 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England

Notes: Elizabeth's brother Walter Wiltshire Pike was Lieutenant of HMS Euryalus during the Battle of Trafalgar. Elizabeth is mentioned as deceased in her brother Walter's will dated 1848. The will also includes details of her family:

"one other equal sixth part or share thereof to Nathaniel Overbury Solicitor London and Edward Overbury of Jersey and Nieces Ellen wife of Thomas Fox Esqr of London and Maria wife of Thomas Marling Esqre of Saxonbury Hall Sussex aforesaid sons and daughters of my late Sister Elizabeth Overbury share and share alike"


man John Overbury‏ 52) 53) 54) 55)
Born ‎12 Apr 1807 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England‎ 56) 57) 58) 2) 3) 5) 6)
Baptised ‎25 May 1807 Tetbury, Gloucestershire, England 5) 58) 6) 3)
Died ‎26 Apr 1866 Marylebone, Middlesex, England‎, 59 years 59) 56) 2)
Occupations: ‎1841 2 Devonshire Place, Streatham, Surrey, England; Merchant 57), ‎1851 Old Jewry, London, England; Blackwell Hall Factor 60), ‎1860 7a Basinghall Street, London, England; Commission Agent 61)
Residences: ‎1841 2 Devonshire Place, Streatham, Surrey, England 57), ‎1833 37 Doughty Street, London, England 62), ‎between 1865 and 1866 17 Carlton Hill East, St. John's Wood, Middlesex, England 59) 2) 63), ‎between 1852 and 1854 Church Passage, Cheap, London, England 64) 64) 64), ‎1851 4 Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, London, England 60), ‎1851 2 Church Court, London, England 60), ‎between 1846 and 1850 Church Court, St Martin Pomary, London, England 65) 65) 64), ‎1843 Cateaton St, London, England 66), ‎1842 Balham Hill, Balham, Surrey, England 2), ‎1864 Oakley Square, London, England 4)

Education: ‎1824 Mill Hill School, London, England 2)
Will signed: ‎26 Oct 1866 London, England 59)
Will signed: Will administered ‎16 Jan 1886 London, England 59)

Notes: John Overbury, son of Joseph Overbury and Elizabeth (née Pike) was born the 12 April 1807 in the parish of Tetbury, situated in Gloucestershire He was privately baptized at Bristol, just over a month after his birth. He was subsequently christened at Tetbury almost two years later, on the 28 December 1809.(1) He was brought up in a Baptist household so it is surprising to see him having been christened in a Church of England ceremony. Little is precisely known about his early years. Joseph, his father, spent much of his time living in Cheltenham, so it seems likely that John also will have been raised there. It seems sure that John followed his father to London, however.

An extract from a diary, cryptically attributed to “Oswald Overbury from Paris” mentions John had a residence at “The Green”, Tetbury when he “Dined with John Overbury 12 December 1826”(2). Whilst residing in Tetbury some of the time, it is clear he operated simultaneously as a Wool-merchant in London, based on Basinghall-Street. Until 1829, he worked in partnership with Richard Dutton but, an entry for that year in the London Gazette notes they went their separate ways the 31 March 1829.(3)

“Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between Richard Dutton and John Overbury, of Basinghall-Street, in the City of London, Wool-Merchants, is dissolved by mutual consent. - All debts due and owing to and from the said Partnership will be received and paid by the said Richard Dutton. - Dated this 31st day of march 1829.
Richd. Dutton.
John Overbury.”

It seems likely that John continued in the trade as he was certainly working the same throughout the 1840s. He would marry Mary Ann Lee on 1 June 1832 at Battersea. Mary Ann was the daughter of Roger Lee, an exceptionally wealthy insurance broker of Clapham. More importantly, however, he was a Baptist and involved in the financing of numerous Baptist initiatives. John and Mary’s children’s births would also all be registered in Baptist chapels. It is clear that John, like his father, was proud of his family’s non-conformist traditions and certainly desired to maintain them. Mary Ann would die the 19 March 1842, aged only thirty four. What effect this had on John is unknown. He later remarried in 1864 to “Elizabeth Jane Seward [née Croome], widow of Charles Thomas Seward, Esq., of Charlotte Street Bath”.(4) Elizabeth Jane “died April 16th at her residence 21 Carlton Hill, St. John’s Wood after a short illness”.(5)

At this time he was still living at Basinghall-Street as recorded in his marriage record which describes him as a residence of St Lawrence Jewry. In 1833 John was probably no longer a resident of Basinghall. The London Royal Blue Book for that year describes him as a resident of 37 Doughty Street,(6) London. His father may also have lived with him there for a time - or he may even have acquired the property from his father, who was recorded as paying land tax in 1823 in Doughty Street. His children’s baptism records suggest he was living there to at least 1835. At the time of the 1841 census, though, he was living at 2 Devonshire Place.(7)

In 1835 he was required to undertake jury service from the 13 May to the 18 May.(8) He would serve on the sixth jury of that Old Bailey for that period, generally giving verdicts on minor theft cases. The jury’s willingness to convict on the word of gentlemen and police was incredible in comparison to modern criminal justice. A good example of a typical case was that of George Charles:

“1295. GEORGE CHARLES was indicted for stealing, on the 7th of May, 1 set of fire-irons, value 7s., the goods of George Turner.
GEORGE TURNER . I live in Long Acre. On the 7th of May I had some fire-irons exposed for sale at my shop door, about twelve o'clock, they were stolen.
ESTHER TIBBY . I live in Long Acre, opposite Mr. Turner's house; ”I am in the service of Mr. Witridge. On the 7th of May, I saw the prisoner take a knife out of his pocket, cut down the fire-irons, and go off with them; ”I am sure he is the man, ”on the Saturday following, I saw him lurking about the shop, and gave information; ”I am sure of his person; he was lurking about the house for two hours before he cut the string.
GUILTY . Aged 25.— Confined Three Months.”

Returning to his career, it seems John was still a wool merchant in 1841. He was described as a ‘merchant’ on the 1841 census. As a merchant, John was, more precisely, a Blackwell Hall factor, like his father had been. He had been in partnership with John Lawrence Harris, until that partnership was dissolved the 10 June 1856.(9)

“Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore carried on by John Overbury and John Lawrence Harris, as Blackwell Hall Factors, at their house in Frederick’s place, Old Jewry, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent and in future the business will be carried on by the said John Overbury on his separate account, who will pay and receive all debts due and owing to and from the said partnership in regular course of trade.”

By 1846, however, his occupation had changed to that of warehouseman and he was now a resident of 4 Frederick’s Place, Old Jewry, in the City of London, he was no presumably no longer a Blackwell Hall Factor. He received part of the assets of Thomas Evill, a clothier, as a consequence of Thomas being declared bankrupt.(10) This change of career was probably prompted by the decline in importance of London as a centre for wool merchants, and the rapidly declining economic prospects for such merchants.

By 1854, the situation had become so dire for John that he was required to apply for bankruptcy. “John Overbury, Frederick’s Place, Old Jewry, City, woollen warehouseman” applied for bankruptcy.(11) The initial hearings on the 10 January and 23 February created a commission which would subsequently meet to oversee the bankruptcy filing. That commission would meet subsequently in 1857 to initiate the division of his goods amongst his creditors.(12) Interestingly, he was described as a “woollen warehouseman, dealer and chapman” which suggests that he had attempted to continue dealing in wool even beyond 1846.

John’s situation was not unique in the family, his uncle had already been forced to declare himself bankrupt several decades previously, and his father had problems with creditors at a similar time. In 1859, his brother Nathaniel would also be forced to file for bankruptcy. His brother had been a relatively successful dealer after becoming a trained lawyer but even he could not compete against the inevitability of the wool industry’s decline. Interestingly, in articles discussing his case, insights into John’s life can be obtained. “My books are in possession of Mr John Overbury, my brother, who is trustee in the deed mentioned... My brother John, when I executed the deed of mortgage, had a counting-house in King William Street, London Bridge. My brother had once been a bankrupt, but his character is in good repute”.(13) This would suggest that John had attempted to turn his life around. King William Street where he now lived was certainly as nice an area as Jewry, and running a counting-house was a respectable career. By 1860, the effects of John’s bankruptcy were terminated as he finally repaid the entirety of sums owed to his creditors.(14)

In 1856, John Overbury was involved in a Court case with the trustees of his father-in-laws will and his brother-in-law, Charles Lee. He sought to acquire his share of Roger's trust, but the trustees were unwilling as a result of legal issues arising from his bankruptcy. Ultimately the decision went in John's favour.

John died around June 1866, living in Marylebone at the time. He would be succeeded by his sons and daughters each of which would be grateful for the upbringing he had provided.


1. Dates obtained from Tetbury and Bristol Parish Registers.
2. From an early 20th century family tree, currently owned by E. A. Overbury.
3. London Gazette, (Issue Number: 18564, 3 April 1829).
4. ‘On 16th instant at Trinity Church Bath, John Overbury, Esq., of Oakley Sq., London to Elizabeth Jane Seward widow of Charles Thomas Seward, Esq., of Charlotte Street Bath’ Western Daily Press, (21 April 1864).
5. ‘Died April 16th at her residence 21 Carlton Hill, St. John’s Wood after a short illness, Elizabeth Jane widow of the late Mr. John Overbury and previously of Mr. Charles Thomas Seward of Charlotte St. Bath, aged 67.’, Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette, 22 April 1875).
6. ‘London Royal Blue Book’, (http://www.ancestry.co.uk, 1833).
7. ‘England Census’, (‘Class: HO107; Piece 1068; Book: 1; Civil Parish: Streatham; County: Surrey; Enumeration District: 2; Folio: 23; Page: 11; Line: 1; GSU roll: 474659’, 1841).
8. Proceedings of the Old Bailey, (http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/print.jsp?div=t18350511, 11 May 1835).
9. London Gazette, (Issue number: 20480, 17 June 1845), p. 1806.
10. London Gazette, (Issue number: 20558, 6 January 1846), p. 65.
11. The Observer, (7 January 1855), p. 16.
12. London Gazette, (Issue number: 21983, 31 March 1857), p. 1202.
13. Daily Scotsman, (19 November 1859), p. 4.
14. London Gazette, (Issue number: 22502, 9 November 1860).
15. Law Journal Reports for the Year 1856, Volume 25, (https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=FVU1AQAAMAAJ), p. 580.
man Joseph Overbury‏‎
Born ‎29 Sep 1808‎
man Nathaniel Overbury‏‎
Born ‎17 Feb 1811
Died ‎1868‎, 56 or 57 years

Notes: Solicitor
man Anthony Overbury‏‎
Born ‎17 Feb 1811‎
man Edward Overbury‏‎
Born ‎5 Nov 1812‎

Notes: Of Jersey
woman Helen Elizabeth Overbury‏‎
Born ‎14 May 1817
Died ‎11 May 1873‎, 55 years

Notes: Married Thomas Fox Esqr of London
woman Maria Louisa Overbury‏‎
Born ‎± 1820
Died ‎Jan 1858 Springwell House, Clapham, Surrey, England‎, approximately 38 years

Notes: Married Thomas Marling Esquire of Saxonbury Hall


1) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813 John son of Mr Joseph Overbury; Elizabeth his wife, born April the 12th 1807: 28th December 1809. External Link
http://interactive.ancestry.co.uk/4732/41511_636672_1198-00002?backurl=http%3a%2f%2fsearch.ancestry.co.uk%2fsearch%2fdb.aspx%3fdbid%3d4732%26path%3d&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnBrowsing#?imageId=41511_636672_1198-00081. Reference: Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, England (Data from direct source)
2) Source: Mill Hill School Register 1807-1926 "Overbury, John (e.s., Joseph Overbury, the Green, Tetbury, Glos; Mecklenburg Sq., 32; Highbury Pk; clothier; D. Pittville Parade, Cheltenham, 7.10.44); L.24; M. 1.6.32 [? B. 06; D., 17, Carlton Rd East, St John's Wood, 26.4.66]. Balham Hill, 42.". Reference: Page 24 (Data from secondary evidence)
3) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813 "John son of Mr Joseph Overbury and Elizabeth his wife born Apl the 12th 1807: Dec 28 1809". External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=4732&h=15693229&indiv=try. Reference: Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucestershire, England; Gloucestershire Anglican Parish Registers; Reference Number: GDR/V1/241 (Data from direct source)
4) Source: Somerset, England, Marriage Registers, Bonds and Allegations, 1754-1914 Record for John Overbury and Elizabeth Jane Seward: John's second marriage.. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60858&h=1909504&indiv=try. Reference: Somerset Heritage Service; Taunton, Somerset, England; Somerset Parish Records, 1538-1914; Reference Number: D\P\ba.ht/2/1/7 (Data from direct source)
5) Source: Bristol, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "John, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Overbury (privately baptized). Born 12 April". Dated 25 May 1807.. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61666&h=281955&indiv=try. Reference: Bristol Archives; Bristol, England; Bristol Church of England Parish Registers; Reference: P/HTS/R/1/b (Data from direct source)
6) Source: Bristol, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 "John son of Joseph and Elizabeth Overbury". Dated: 25 May 1807.. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61666&h=1770184&indiv=try. Reference: Bristol Archives; Bristol, England; Bristol Church of England Bishop Transcripts of Parish Registers; Reference: EP/V/4/132/4 (Data from direct source)
7) Source: Somerset, England, Marriage Registers, Bonds and Allegations, 1754-1914 Record for John Overbury. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60858&h=1909504&indiv=try. Reference: Somerset Heritage Service; Taunton, Somerset, England; Somerset Parish Records, 1538-1914; Reference Number: D\P\ba.ht/2/1/7
8) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Burials, 1813-1988 Joseph Overbury Cheltenham Octr 12 64 I Hampton. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=GloucBurials&h=1485956&indiv=try. Reference: Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, England; Reference Numbers: P328/1 IN 1/20 (Data from secondary evidence)
9) Source: 1841 England Census Record for Joseph Overbury. Reference: Database online. Class: HO107; Piece 353; Book: 7; Civil Parish: Cheltenham; County: Gloucestershire; Enumeration District: 13; Folio: 13; Page: 20; Line: 11; GSU roll: 288767. (Data from secondary evidence)
10) Source: The Gospel Magazine (online archive). Reference: Vol IV. - No IX., September 1829, Pg 419 (Data from direct source)
11) Source: Monuments "Sacred to the Memory of Joseph Overbury,who died the 7th Oct 1844, Aged 64 Years.". Reference: Tetbury parish church. In the Cloister, on the West Wall. (Data from direct source)
12) Source: England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-1915 Record for Joseph Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Questionable reliability of evidence)
13) Source: England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966, 1973-1995 Record for Joseph Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
14) Source: Lee, Alfred Theophilus, The history of the town and parish of Tetbury. Reference: Pg 300 (Data from secondary evidence)
15) Source: Records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions, Chancery: Petty Bag Office: Writ Files Record for Joseph Overbury. Reference: C 202/226/5 (Data from direct source)
16) Source: Lee, Alfred Theophilus, The history of the town and parish of Tetbury. Reference: Pg 299 (Data from secondary evidence)
17) Source: Wiltshire, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1916 Elizabeth Pike, spinster of Hankerton, Wiltshire marriedJoseph Overbury, gent of Tetbury, Gloucestershire on15 Feb 1807 by license.Witness; Thomas Pike, Ann Pike, Wm Perring. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61189&h=900477004&indiv=try. Reference: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Parish Registers; Reference Number: 2050/4 (Data from direct source)
18) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Electoral Registers, 1832-1974 Record for Joseph Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=GloucElectoral&h=5869618&indiv=try. Reference: 1843; Eastern, Gloucestershire (Data from direct source)
19) Source: UK, City and County Directories, 1766 - 1946 "Overbury Jos. esq. 10 Pittville parade". External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=3145&h=24360293&indiv=try. Reference: UK, City and County Directories, 1600s-1900s. 1842 Pigot's Directory. (Data from direct source)
20) Source: U.K. and U.S. Directories, 1680-1830 Record for Joseph Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
21) Source: UK, Poll Books and Electoral Registers, 1538-1893 Record for Joseph Overbury and Thomas Pike. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=UKPollBooks&h=5171104&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
22) Source: England Topographical Dictionary Record for Joseph Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
23) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=794313&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
24) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Joseph Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=743207&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
25) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Joseph & Others Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=792595&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
26) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos. Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=707442&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
27) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=637180&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
28) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos. Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=959425&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
29) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Joseph Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=709460&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
30) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=643989&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
31) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=741554&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
32) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Joss. Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=792644&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
33) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for J Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=603826&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
34) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Mr J Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=603853&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
35) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=979483&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
36) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=604090&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
37) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for J Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=979298&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
38) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for J Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=979285&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
39) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for Jos Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=719142&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
40) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for J Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=979422&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
41) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Land Tax Records, 1713-1833 Record for J Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=60628&h=979387&indiv=try (Data from direct source)
42) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Jos Overbury. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=2170&h=16103412&indiv=try (Data from secondary evidence)
43) Source: War Office and predecessors: Militia and Volunteers Muster Books and Pay Lists. Reference: WO 13/4352 Tetbury Volunteers: 1803-1810. Various Muster Books and paylists including: 1803 annual paylist, 1804 annual paylist, 1805 annual paylist, and 2 additional, more detailed 1805 paylists following merger of Tetbury and Horsley Volunteers (Data from direct source)
44) Source: Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings 1801-1842 Overbury v Roper. Two bills and answer. 1816Overbury v Roper. Two answers. 1817. Reference: C 13/1680/8 C 13/1690/23 (Data from direct source)
45) Source: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Will of Joseph Overbury of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Reference: PROB 11/2007 (Data from direct source)
46) Source: England, Pallot's Marriage Index, 1780-1837 Record for Joseph Overbury and Elizabeth Pike. Reference: Database online.
47) Source: Sarum Marriage Licence Bonds Elizabeth Pike, spinster of Hankerton, Wiltshire marriedJoseph Overbury, gent of Tetbury, Gloucestershire on15 Feb 1807 by license.Bond dated 14 Feb 1807. Bondsman, Thomas Pike, gent, of Tetbury, Jurisdiction of The Bishop of Salisbury in Wiltshire and Berkshire
48) Source: England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858 Record for Walter Wiltshire Esquire Pike"one other equal sixth part or share thereof to Nathaniel Overbury Solicitor London and Edward Overbury of Jersey and Nieces Ellen wife of Thomas Fox Esqr of London and Maria wife of Thomas Marling Esqre of Saxonbury Hall Sussexaforesaid sons and daughters of my late Sister Elizabeth Overbury share and share alike". External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=5111&h=97201&indiv=try. Reference: The National Archives; Kew, England; Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 2108 (Data from secondary evidence)
49) Source: Monuments "Elizabeth, Wife of Joseph Overbury, died September 25th, 1832, Aged 50 Years". Reference: Tetbury parish church (Questionable reliability of evidence)
50) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Burials, 1813-1988 "Elizabeth Overbury Cheltenham October 1832 50 years Jacob Wood curate". External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=GloucBurials&h=1089016&indiv=try. Reference: Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, England; Reference Numbers: P328/1 IN 1/19 (Data from secondary evidence)
51) Source: The Times (London, England) "On the 25th last - at Cheltenham, of apoplexy, Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Overbury, Esq. late of Mecklenburgh-square.". Reference: 28th September 1832: page 4. (Data from direct source)
52) Source: General Register Office: Birth Certificates from the Presbyterian, Independent and Baptist Registry and from the Wesleyan Methodist Metropolitan Registry Record for Albert Lee Overbury. Reference: RG 5/134 (Data from direct source)
53) Source: General Register Office: Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths surrendered to the Non-parochial Registers Commissions of 1837 and 1857 Record for Roger Lee. Reference: RG 4/3100 (Data from direct source)
54) Source: General Register Office: Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths surrendered to the Non-parochial Registers Commissions of 1837 and 1857 Record for Albert Lee Overbury. Reference: RG 4/4674 - Dr Williams´ Library, Index to Birth Certificates, 1828-1837 (Data from direct source)
55) Source: London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921 Record for Mary Ann Coppen. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
56) Source: England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, 1837-1915 Record for John Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Unreliable evidence or estimated data)
57) Source: 1841 England Census Record for John Overbary. Reference: Database online. Class: HO107; Piece 1068; Book: 1; Civil Parish: Streatham; County: Surrey; Enumeration District: 2; Folio: 23; Page: 11; Line: 1; GSU roll: 474659. (Data from secondary evidence)
58) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813 John son of Mr Joseph Overbury and Elizabeth his wife, born April the 12th 1807: 28th December 1809. External Link
http://interactive.ancestry.co.uk/4732/41511_636672_1198-00002?backurl=http%3a%2f%2fsearch.ancestry.co.uk%2fsearch%2fdb.aspx%3fdbid%3d4732%26path%3d&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnBrowsing#?imageId=41511_636672_1198-00081. Reference: Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, England (Data from direct source)
59) Source: England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966, 1973-1995 Record for John Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
60) Source: UK, City and County Directories, 1766 - 1946 Record for John Overbury. Reference: 1851 Post Office Directory (Data from secondary evidence)
61) Source: London, England, City Directories, 1736-1943 Record for John Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61265&h=8204502&indiv=try. Reference: London Metropolitan Archives; London, England; London City Directories - Post Office Directory, 1860 (Data from direct source)
62) Source: U.K., City and County Directories, 1600s-1900s Record for John Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
63) Source: London, England, City Directories, 1736-1943 Record for John Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=61265&h=6576928&indiv=try. Reference: London Metropolitan Archives; London, England; London City Directories - Post Office Directory, 1865 (Data from direct source)
64) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for John Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
65) Source: London, England, Land Tax Records, 1692-1932 Record for Overbury. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
66) Source: Gloucestershire, England, Electoral Registers, 1832-1974 Record for John Overbury. External Link
http://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=GloucElectoral&h=5676724&indiv=try. Reference: Western, 1843 (Data from direct source)