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Nathaniel Overbury Jr

Nathaniel Overbury was born around 1735 in Tetbury. (1)  He appeared, with his father, as a member of the Tetbury Court Leet in 1746. (2)  This proves he was at least 12 years of age at that time. The Court Leet was a body charged with some areas of Tetbury’s government and also with administering justice for minor crimes. It would meet yearly for business and dinner. “Nathaniel Overbury the Younger” would also attend in 1754 and 1762. (3)(4)

Nathaniel would take an interest in Tetbury throughout his life. He was appointed Overseer for the town between 1759 and 1760. (5)  The position of overseer involved distributing and caring for the poor of the parish. Nonetheless, he seems to have also spent much time outside the parish. He did not appear on the lists of members attending Leet dinners for many years of the period and his marriage occurred in Bengeworth, near Evesham. He married Mary Roper, daughter of Anthony Roper of Evesham on the 21 January 1763 at Bengeworth. (6)  It seems probable however that this marriage was a result of Nathaniel’s interest in the Baptist church. His uncle, John, was a Baptist minister at Alcester, not far from Bengeworth, and Bengeworth had its own Baptist church. To what extent he was involved with the church is difficult to determine but it seems likely he was involved with his father’s work.

The 28 April 1767, "Nathaniel Overbury signed at a Vestry complaining about too many cattle in the Warren". (7)  Nathaniel’s business however, like his father was the wool trade. His will described him as a woolstapler, like his father: available evidence suggests he continued his father’s business. (8)  He is listed in several trade directories, as late as 1791, as a woolstapler. (9)(10) His sons would continue his business following his death.

Nathaniel died at Tetbury the 11 March 1805 and he was buried in the Baptist Church’s burial ground. His wife, Mary, would later be buried alongside him. His will, written the 25 August 1803, left numerous bequests to relatives including money and business materials. (1) 

Sources / Citations:

1. His four sisters born in 1722, 1725, 1729 and 1734 are listed whilst he is not: 'Tetbury Religious Affiliation Census: Tabular register of religious denominations (giving names of householders, number in family, and denomination)', Gloucestershire Archives, (D566/Z/11, c1737). 2. 'Presentments of the town and foreign juries, nominations of officers, jury lists, steward's precepts, etc., for most years', Gloucestershire Archives, (D566/M/4, 1735-1912), p. 5. 3. Ibid 4. Ibid, (D566/M/5, 1735-1912), ibid. 5. ‘Overseers' accounts (audited)', Gloucestershire Archives, (P328a OV 2/2, 1749-1759). 6. Date obtained from Bengeworth’s parish registers. 7. ‘Langston and Maltby Charity money; lists of recipients (with vestry resolution, 1767, on preventing the pasturing of cattle in the Warren by strangers)’, Gloucestershire Archives, (D 566/R /1/7, 1762-1774). 8. 'Will of Nathaniel Overbury, Woolstapler of Tetbury’, The National Archives (PROB 11/1397, 1803). 9. ‘Bailey's British Directory’, (London, 1784). 10. ‘Universal British Directory’, (London, 1791). 11. 'Will of Nathaniel Overbury, Woolstapler of Tetbury’, The National Archives (PROB 11/1397, 1803).