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King Edward I
King Henry I
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‎Between 1779 and 1807 Little Torrington, Devon, England;

Thomas How was recorded as "Yeoman"

Latest update2024-10-16 17:11
No. of families2147
Most children13
No. of individuals4662


man William Anderson‏‎ 1) 2)
Born ‎8 Sep 1771 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland‎ 1) 3)
Died ‎between 1841 and 1851 / before 1851 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland‎ 4) 5)
Occupation: ‎1841 Cove, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland; Fisher 1) 5)
Residence: ‎1841 Cove, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland 1)

Married ‎1 Jun 1796 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland 6)

woman Isabella Wait‏‎ 7) 2)
Born ‎29 Feb 1772 Oldhamstocks, East Lothian, Scotland‎ 7) 8) 5)
Occupation: ‎1851 Cove, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland; 5)
Residence: ‎between 1841 and 1851 Cove, Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland 7) 5)


man Thomas Anderson‏‎
Born ‎2 Mar 1797 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland‎
woman Agnes Anderson‏‎
Born ‎17 Mar 1799 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland‎
woman Mary Anderson‏‎
Born ‎24 Dec 1800 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland‎
man William Anderson‏‎
Born ‎Dec 1802 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland‎
man John Anderson‏ 9) 10) 11)
Born ‎± 1804 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland‎ 10) 12) 2)
Died ‎3 Feb 1858 Eyemouth, Berwickshire, Scotland‎, approximately 54 years, death cause: Pulmonary Consumption, fourteen months. 2)
Occupation: ‎between 1841 and 1858 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland; Fisherman 12) 10) 11)
Residence: ‎1841 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland 12) 10)

man James Anderson‏‎
Born ‎± 1809 Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, Scotland‎


1) Source: 1841 Scotland Census Record for William Anderson. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
2) Source: Scotland, Statutory Registers, 1855-2010 Record for John Anderson. Reference: Eyemouth Deaths: 1858 (Data from direct source)
3) Source: Scotland, Old Parish Registers Record for William Anderson. Reference: Cockburnspath Births: 1771 (Questionable reliability of evidence)
4) Source: 1851 Scotland Census Record for Isabella Anderson. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
5) Source: 1851 Scotland Census Record for Isabella Anderson - fisherman's widow, living with lodger and servant. Born Innerwick, East Lothian.. External Link
https://search.ancestry.co.uk/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1076&h=260541&indiv=try. Reference: Parish: Cockburnspath; ED: 1; Page: 13; Line: 10; Roll: CSSCT1851_195; Year: 1851 (Data from secondary evidence)
6) Source: Scotland, Old Parish Registers Record for William Anderson and Bella Watt. Reference: Cockburnspath Marriages: 1796
7) Source: 1841 Scotland Census Record for Isabel Anderson. Reference: Database online. (Data from direct source)
8) Source: Scotland, Old Parish Registers Record for Isabella Wait. Reference: Oldhamstocks Births: 1772 (Data from direct source)
9) Source: Scotland, Old Parish Registers "John Wilson. Son of John Anderson and Mary Elizabeth Purves born Feby 25th 1845 and baptized at Oldhamstocks April 9th before these witnesses William Pringle and Adam Skeldon". Reference: Cockburnspath Births: 1845 (Data from direct source)
10) Source: 1851 Scotland Census Record for John Anderson. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)
11) Source: Scotland, Old Parish Registers John Maltman, fisherman married to Jane Maltman, died April tenth 1885 drowned at sea off Gunsgreen, in the parish of Ayton, aged 39 years. His parents were John Anderson, fisherman, deceased, and Mary Anderson née Purves, deceased. Signed by William Anderson, his brother. Reference: Ayton (Data from direct source)
12) Source: 1841 Scotland Census Record for John Anderson. Reference: Database online. (Data from secondary evidence)